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2018/12/27 07:56:21瀏覽222|回應0|推薦3

Further to my last writing yesterday, I would like to point out one of a teammate of Han "administration" has just revealed his true character during a conservation concerning the prospect of future tourism for the city of Kaohsiung. 

I noticed from a talk show "夜問打權" of last evening that the anchorwoman Ms Huang had to interrupt a call-in guest several times over phone interview.  Who was that guest, why did Mr Haung have to interrupt him?  That guy is the newly-appointed head of Tourism Bureau of the city, who, with a boastful manner, emphasized that in the future the visiting guests to Kaohsiung will not be limited to those from "China" only, and the city will also need the influx of vistors from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Macao.  So Ms Huang kept reminding him over the phone of the fact that in accordance with 92 Consensus we should refer to the other side of the strait as "Mainland", instead of "China", and Hong Kong and Macao are territories of China, thus they should not be juxtaposed with Singapore and Malaysia, the sovereign countries. 

Such a ingrained mindset of Taidu or Dutai reflected by that guy is fully a telltale public thoughts among islanders towards China Mainland.  Hold your horses, dear Mainladers, just wait and see.  I believe you are able to well use both hard and soft tactics towards those unthankful "compatriots".   




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