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謝長廷 vs 章宗祥(續)
2018/09/09 12:54:12瀏覽532|回應0|推薦4

In my previous writing "謝長廷 vs. " at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/111275819, I told you what the two ROC ambassadors to Japan did in betraying their own country during their tenure at different times with an interval of just 100 years, 1918 vs. 2018. (That is right: it is ROC, though actually then Zhang was an ambassador and now Xie is a representative.)

Recently, a stormy typhoon and a devastating earthquake hit Japan, trapping a lot of tourists from Taiwan in a mire and badly in need of assistance. But the negative action and attitude towards helping the tourists out that Xie and his men showed in critical moments had infuriated the people of Taiwan, especially in comparison with the quick and effective services that the Osaka consulate of China Mainland rendered to their people, including the people from Taiwan. The whole thing signified the incapacity and insouciance of the DPP regime, and most of all, its infamies. (Still, I guess the majority of islanders would continue to support DPP simply for that imaginary Taidu.)

I could not find any related records showing that Zhang had dealt with a similar situation during his tenure in Japan, but I think in any event he would not have done worse than Xie had there been any. FYI, the key person in the trio who acted as quislings in 1918 was Cao Rulin (曹汝霖), then the minister of foreign affairs. But since then, Cao has retired from political life and engaged himself in charities. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out, he refused to do anything to serve puppet governments. He also founded a hospital, which became Peoples Hospital, the second-largest one in Beijing after 1949.

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