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93軍人節 on “國民黨軍”為什麼不可能產生英雄主義?"
2018/09/04 21:43:32瀏覽264|回應0|推薦5

Yesterday was Soldiers Day, or V-J Day(or V-Fascist Day in China Mainland), and I found subject article at https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=36597.  If the author revised the title and put "under Chiang Kai-shek" after KMT army, that would be more like he had been trying to convey to his readers. 

Some people may retort the viewpoints of the author by raising many a heroic deed that "KMT" army did during Resistent War against Japan.  But I think the author did not intentionally ignored those "individual" heros; instead, he was trying to tell you why the spirit of "collective heroism" had been missing in KMT army as a whole. 

I have told you the root cause many times in my previous writings.  The answer is Chiang and his "KMT" betrayed the doctrines of Dr Sun Yat-sen, or the "Principle of Three People".  If you have learned the Principle, you must have known Dr Sun repeated told you that a thought will lead to actions and the actions will eventually create strength.  What the actions were?  They were the union of KMT and CCP, enlightening peasants and workers, overthrowing warlords and imperialism in China, and abolishing unequal treaties.  The strength?  A successful Great Revolution.  Regreatfully, Chiang and KMT became a new warlord after they came to Shanghai and Nanjing, and continued to be a jackal to imperialists and a comprador to foreign capitalists.  How could we expect "collective heroism" from such a regime?        

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