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2018/08/26 22:17:58瀏覽666|回應1|推薦5

The donation from Mr Bo Yang, including some of his manuscripts, is exhibited today at Beijing. https://www.toutiao.com/a6593634551656874503/

Both of the works of Mr Bo Yang and Mr Li Ao accompanied me and some people of my age to pass through our adolescence, or even much longer.  Who had exerted a larger influence on Taiwan?  I think Li Ao did.  Perhaps because he continued to criticize all of the power holders all the time, no matter they were of KMT or of DPP.  As for Mr Bo Yang, he opted to reticence since he had released from jail because of that ridiculous witch-hunt charge.  As both of them being history graduates and great writers, at least Bo Yang left us an opus of translation on "Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance"(資治通鑑), while Mr Li Ao did not leave us anything about serious accounts of history, for example, a book concerning Chinese histroy of thoughts that he once promised.

P.S.  My brother-in-law once patronized Mr Bo Yang in publishing some of his books, as well as his charitable deeds in helping the descendants of those KMT armies now still living in northern Thailand.  Since then they have become good friends.  This time my brother-in-laws wife accompanied Mrs Bo Yang, now 79, to Beijing to host the exhibition.   

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I am not a history major... 😊 😲
2018/08/27 13:50

In my opinion, Li Ao and Bo Yang are not of the same caliber.  They are not even close.


不客氣的說,他就是他自己筆下那個“醜陋的中國人”。 大笑

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-08-27 17:24 回覆:
Mr Li Ao is a true believer of liberalism, as well as a genuine nationalist throughout his life. But Mr Bo Yang is not that unberable, I think.