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窮台, 困台與笨台
2018/08/02 15:34:45瀏覽609|回應0|推薦5

Mainland netizens often mentioned subject three terms these days, calling for CCP government to adopt them as measures directed against Taiwan, not that 惠台 only.  Yesterday I got a piece of message thru LINE, that reputedly China Mainland will soon announce as many as seven new measures against Taiwan, namely:

1) Ban all her tour groups, individual travellers, any government officers from visiting Taiwan. 

2) From next semester, all Mainland students are not allowed to study in any schools of Taiwan.   

3) Discontinue all cross-fertilization regarding sports activities.

4) Any student from Taiwan who is studying in Mainland must change his or her ID as a Chinese citizen.

5) Taiwan tourists who are visiting Mainland will be subsidized RMB5,000 per head.

6) Proscribe any members of DPP, Taiwan Solidarity, and New Power Party from visiting Mainland.

7) China Airlines and Eva Air must identify themself in their website as the carriers of China; otherwise, they will not be granted the freedom of air across the strait any longer. 

I question the veracity of this message, and that is why I do not relay the orginal version to you guys.  (Otherwise, DPP administration might be suspicious of my disseminating "false news".  Ha!)   But I think China Mainland is quite capable of taking such kinds of measures any time she thinks fit to impoverish, strangle, and dull Taiwan, and the question is when, but not now.   

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