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2018/07/31 12:04:05瀏覽610|回應0|推薦5

A ceremony for celebrating the completion of the water conduit between Kinmen and Xiamen was called off by DPP administration in retalitation for the recent incident of 1st Eastern Asian Youth Game, for under an atmosphere like now, it is quite "inappropriate" to held such a ceremony lest shoud engender an adverse "international" viewpoint on Taiwan.

Blame it all on that stupid "international"!  No matter from de jure or de facto aspect, China Mainland and China Taiwan are in a situation under one sovereignty, two governments; or more concisely, One country, two systems, in now peaceful time.  Under the circumstance like this, everything related to a amicable cooperation between the strait could be achieved without much ado.  However, the evil DPP full of political machination rigged the mindset of gullible islanders to do otherwise.  The result?  You have seen it.  The bad news is eventually we will have no way to go but to be strangled on the island.  My poor pittance of labor pension!   

P.S.  Water has be always essential for people of Kinmen.  During 1969-1970 when I took my military services on the islet, there was a familiar slogan to be heard almost everyday: a tree in Kinmen is worth a human life.  Why was that?  Simply because there were no adequate water to do green plantation.  Every drop of water soldiers were drinking came from wells.  Can you imagine under the temperature of nearly zero degree in winter days, I had to took a "battle" bath by the side of a well?  You know, since then I had cultivated a habit of taking shower instead of bathing in tubs any more.   


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