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2018/05/01 23:11:21瀏覽658|回應1|推薦6

Dominican Republic severed the Its 77-years-old diplomatic relationship with ROC, and built up a tie with PRC, with effective from today, Labors Day.

The "minister" of Foreign Affairs, flustered and exasperated, condemned Chinas Mainland in the press conference that she coaxed an unfaithful friend out of ROC with "enormous figure" of money.  He also warned Vatican, the only "nation" in Europe on the tattered relationships with ROC, that its stupid to build up diplomatic relationship with a country like China, in which people couldnt even search the word "Bible" online.  I can tell anyone with common sense the above accusations are not true. 

I dont know since when our diplomats started to use such harsh and impolite words to deal with diplomatic affairs which always required niceties.  I remember in the past when a nation severed ties with ROC, the typical announcements were "We feel regretful, but they must take full responsibilites of any consequences thus caused."  It sounds a hackneyed phrase, but those are all but we have to say. 

P.S.  That "minister" was repeatedly calling Chinas Mainland as China in the press conference.  He must have forgotten any nation who has diplomatic relationship with ROC is on the basis that ROC is the sole governmnet representing China.  Everybody knows DPP administration has always denied ROC, not least China, then why should it be so mad about such a "diplomatic loss"? 


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沐猴而冠,What can one expect?
2018/05/01 23:51
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-05-02 22:48 回覆: