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2018/02/26 14:32:06瀏覽505|回應0|推薦4

Yesterday after we dined out at some restaurant, my son-in-law led us to an ice cream shop nearby.  I thought it must be the traditional one that is scooped into a bowl, a cup, or a cone.  Well, what I saw was quite different.

At cashier counter, patrons first pick their favored flavor according to a large menu displayed on the wall.  (Wow, there are so many choices, and some of the names I've never seen before.  The price is unique but dear enough, $8.75 per serve, not including tax.)  Then the customers proceed to the "kitchen" to watch how their ice cream are made.  

Now is the show time for the "chefs".  They take two paper cups, one contains the "ingredients" the customer ordered, the other contains milk, or green tea, or syrup, and/or the mixed paste.  The chef first pours the hard ingredients onto a frozen pan and starts to cut, smash, and "fry" them to chips, with sharp shovels on both of his or her nimble hands.  Then the chef mix, stir, and flatten the paste with the cut ingredients into a cake of rectangular shape, and shovel it into five or six rolls and put them in the container.  Now the custmers can take their roll-shaped ice cream to add on toppings and drizzles(one of them is mochi 麻糬).  

Does it taste good or better?  I don't know becuse my wife prohibits me, as being a pre-diabetic, from eating sweet things like ice cream.  But I do enjoy watching such a stunt. 

P.S.  My daughter told me the practice originates from Thailand.  Is that so? 


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