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吃中國的飯,砸中國的鍋, 豈有此理.
2018/01/14 16:00:23瀏覽298|回應0|推薦3

Authorites of Chinas Mainland disclosed that seveval internationally famous brands- Marriott, ZARA, Medtronic, and Delta Airlines- had marked Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and Tibet(Xizang) off from China on their pamphlets and websites, in which the areas were individually singled out as other countries instead of dependent SARs, or an autonomous district, or a province to China.  Those companies, who all having huge business to do in China, were so scared that they immediately apologized and promised to correct their mistakes, whether intentional or not, at once. 

They had to.  That is fairly reasonable simply because you cant earn your money in China while dont show your respect to her sovereignty.  That is the basic requirement for foreigners in addition to business itself.  As for Taiwan compatriots, as long as you admit you are Chineses, then you will be treated the same as other nationals are.  Is that hard for you to do so?  Dear islanders, youd better watch out and behave yourselves! 

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