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2017/10/29 14:46:17瀏覽484|回應1|推薦6

Report said DPP administration has revoked Ms. Lu Lians registered permanent residence in Taiwan.  I guess Ms. Lu, a professor of Fudan University and one of the CCP representatives in 19th plenum, should not care about it at all.  Why should she? 

General secretary Xi guaranteed in the plenum that China will grant national status to her Taiwan compatriots who are working, living or studying in Mainland.  That is the "soft" part of her future policy towards Taiwan, which will most likely lead to an effect of "voting with islanders feet" in the island, or precisely, brain drain.  Since Taiwan compartriots will be granted such a favorable status, I suggest there must be a "hard" part as to complement the policy perfectly. 

Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs may negotiate with other countries, which have already given Taiwan entry permission without visa, to accept the islanders by "Taiwan compatriot ID" as valid travel document only, instead of ROC passport.  Is this a crazy idea?  Not at all.  Why not?  Because up to date Cai administration has yet to recognize One China policy, and even addressed ROC as an anonymous "this country", so how can people of Taiwan continue to use ROC passports? 

Dont think this is a bad thing for Taiwan.  After all, in this way people of Taiwan could get more protection and better treatment when they have troubles doing business or travelling abroad.            

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/10/29 18:18
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-10-30 07:22 回覆:
Ordinary people of Taiwan don't have historical view. Unification is an inexorable trend!