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Jerry Lewis
2017/09/18 15:56:29瀏覽301|回應1|推薦4

Several days ago I drove my wife to a chiropractic's to treat her waist pain.  Amid the tedium waiting in the parlor room, I read a tabloid magazine, "People", to kill time.  Suddenly I found a report that Jerry Lewis died last month(August, 2017) at 91.

Who is Jerry Lewis?  I figure that most of you don't know him.  He was an American comedian, a versatile performer on stage, and a lifetime humanitarian.  (I remember when I was in high school I read a report of him that due to his skin being sensitive to starch ironing, he changed shirts everyday and gave away the wore-only-once shirts to college students.)  Jerry Lewis performed in many slapsticks with his longtime partner Dean Martin, and the Martin-Lewis duo did cause a sensation on screen during 50's.  (They split the partnership later.)

In the films Lewis always portrayed a role of nerdy, good-hearted guy who was constantly "bullied" by the smart, handsome, and a kind of tricky Martin, but at last he would almost always steal the heart from the girl they both run after.  Well, now I would not watch that kind of slapsticks any more, but in those days Jerry Lewis did bring me a lot of laughs.

Rest in peace, Jerry.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/09/19 14:33

Jerry Lewis, 我認識他,不是年輕時認識的,是澳洲電視經常重播老電影認識的。



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-09-20 07:49 回覆:
In Chinese clinic here, there even have cupping and acupuncture.