In my previous writings I talked about 西南聯大 or the things connecting to it several times. Now someone emailed me a more detailed accounts of how the university's short existence having long influence on modern history of China. I hope you would also enjoy reading it. Here you go at: biz=MzI4MjE3OTIzOA==&mid= 2651124450&idx=1&sn= e8f9d039fae16420cdb4cca71a9b1b 4b&chksm= f06db12bc71a383d5beb46d5423e43 161691048ec5e77ade0a616b16adf5 1a0cca4ee23fdbf3&scene=1& srcid= 0918kPV6hvYfo5LFquFhS5cx&from= singlemessage&isappinstalled= 0#wechat_redirect