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2014/01/29 20:37:05瀏覽70|回應1|推薦2

Its customary for Chinese people to clean their houses prior to Lunar New Year festival, and I am of no exception, although I am not a house-proud guy in kind.  In recent years as I had got older and older, usually I would hire a cleaning lady to do the job for us---my wife and I.  But this time there was no help available, so we had to do it by ourselves yesterday.

My part were to sweep and mop the floor of every room, including that of  bath rooms, kitchen and balcony, and wipe the French windows.  In two hours, I barely finished the job, but I was worn out, completely exhausted.  Gasping and sore waist made me feel like dying.  You know, I can still fast-walk two hours without a break, but a ladys job totally routed me.  Ill take it an early warning of my health.   

So my friend, in the year of Horse and years to come, I wish everyone of you could get yourself into shape, and keep yourself going strong!   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/01/30 07:45


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-01-30 17:58 回覆:
Happy Lunar New Year to you, too.