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Unnecessary Killing
2017/08/17 15:58:58瀏覽408|回應1|推薦7

In my previous writing "Well done, good girl" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/107481535, I told you guys that one of my sons two cats, Shasha, whom I am taking care of now is a natural predator: swift, patient, sharp-eyed and ruthless.  We thank for her killing flies that buzzing in the house, but not for her indifferent killing on any small animals in motion. 

Yesterday morning when I was in my study, I heard my wife screamed in the kitchen and called me to watch something.  Oh my goodness, it was Shasha held a bird by her teeth in front of the screen door, ingratinatingly invited our praise for her "feat".  Then she laid down the bird, playing with that not-yet- dead and still jerking poor little thing a while.  Obtaining no "praise" from us, she walked away, left the dying bird to us to handle. 

I went to the back yard to dig a hole to bury that little creature.  When I  dug the hole with a shovel, I was thinking how could she catch an adroit bird that could easily fly away?  Did she sneak up on the bird and catch it napping on ground, or did she jump high to snatch it in the air.  I dont know, and I dont want to know.  Like Ive always said: dont do unnecessary killing unless extremely in need of.  But how am I able to tell this to a domesticated cat, unlike her kin: lions, tigers, leopards that would only kill for food or for scrambling for their domain, not just kill for fun?      


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/08/18 17:52


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-08-19 01:25 回覆:
Yeah, birds, rats, rabbits, squirrels, snakes could easily fall prey to cats'quick and sharp claws!