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Lin Yifu is not a traitor, and he never will.
2014/01/14 17:00:14瀏覽146|回應1|推薦2
Recently the discussion of whether Lin Yifu is able to return Taiwan freely was raised again due to the military trial cases had been transferred to civic courts. Nonetheless, the problem is yet to be solved if people still think ROC and PRC are different "countries" and regard themselves as non-Chinesese. Honestly, I have never thought that he is a traitor ever since he "defected" to Mainland when he was in Jingmen as a captain in late 70s, for I thought he is a patriot who has long realized the future of China lies in Mainland, not in Taiwan; therefore, he was a forerunner, and he betrayed no one, he just opted in to a brighter camp. At the very most, maybe you can call him a renegade to the discouraging KMT regime, but absolutely not a traitor to China; unless, again, you dont regard yourself a Chinese. P.S. I took my military service in Jingmen during 1969-70 and actually I was defending people in Taiwan then, wasnt I? But when one early morning I led my men scouring the field for the leaflets sent in by shells from Mainland, and I found one stating that they succeeded in launching a satellite into the space, I was very delighted and proud of their achievements deep down in my heart. That evening of the day, I drank a cup of Gaoliang to celebrate the event. Please also refer to my previous writing "反共義士李顯斌" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/8269164.
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Traitor or Not ,....
2014/01/15 03:09

Traitor or not,

要站在整個國家(注意 不是“朝代”,尤其不是“偏安小朝廷”)、民族的立場來看。

以此標準和立場,林毅夫當然不是traitor; 是traitor的 正是台獨/獨台這般要分裂中國、中華民族的一撮。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-01-15 11:42 回覆:
Certainly, the real traitors are those secessionists of Taiwan Independence and Independent Taiwan.