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2017/06/22 16:01:06瀏覽195|回應0|推薦3

In my days at high school the curriculum of history was divided into two parts: National History(or Domestic) taught at 11th grade, and Foreign History at 12th grade.  It was quite normal doing that way because then ROC was still the sole representative of China in UN.  Then came that Jap Li and so social ambience changed; the calling for increasing the portion of Taiwan History and Geography was often heard of.  Almost unnoticeably, National History was divided into History of China and History of Taiwan.  The change was absolutely unnecessary because it all had to do was to enlarge the portion pertaining to the history of Taiwan, instead of extracting it from the history of China. 

The other day I heard of Cai administration intended to classify the history of China into History of Eastern Asia.  For crying out loud, what's the hell!  Whether the move is a well-contrived plan or a retaliatory action against the "diplomatic" failure in competing for Panama not long ago, it has been a dangerous signal conveyed to China's Mainland and the vast Mainland netizens.  Everybody knows, maybe stupid islanders don't, that the farther Taiwan drifts away from Mainland in every possible step of way, the closer the pressure of confrontation will come, economic as well as military.    

Recently many DPP politicians expressed their statement of trying to build up a "close affinity" with China's Mainland.  Dear Mainlanders, from those imposters' attitude towards history, are you going to trust the words that those Taidu advocates said?  I think you won't.  Let me tell you, don't you ever trust them because they are just wolves in sheep’s clothing, all of them.  (Maybe calling them wolves is kind of a much-exaggerated praise.)

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