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I've got a heavy cold.
2017/05/29 13:04:52瀏覽365|回應1|推薦2

Probably due to the fatigue and climate change I encountered as I travelled to/from Indianapolis to attend my sons wedding a fornight ago, Id got a heavy cold when my resistance against virus declined so as to catch such a noxious malaise.

Thanks to Heaven, I am recovering now.  But you know, as people grow older and older, their resistance against diseases will become weaker and weaker.  In the past, it took me at most a week to tackle with a cold, but this time it took me two, and the bad thing was the cold made me feel my days in this world seeming bleak: nothing but constant drowsiness and feebleness.  Though it was far from being a bedridden state, still I couldnt go any place because drowsiness prevent me from driving.  (My wife doesnt drive.)

Dear fellow senior citizens, may you be hale and hearty all the time, and may you have a happy Dragon Boat Holiday, too.    

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/05/30 13:04

最近一次去找 GP 給眼科醫生的 referral, 他看我剛滿 65,便鼓吹我打感冒預防針。我說我不想打,他只能設法說服我,65 歲到了,政府提供的免費福利。




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-30 13:26 回覆:
Well, I did get flu shot early this year. But the vaccine seems provide little help to my immunity. Still I think you should take the advice from your doctor.