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2014/06/02 01:35:11瀏覽13108|回應1|推薦1

《明日邊界》(Edge of Tomorrow)改編自日本小說 All You Need Is Kill (櫻板洋 著),是個科幻電影,描述凱吉(Cage)生死輪迴(Live, Die, Repeat)百來次,決意殺掉難以捉摸之敵人的故事。

我習慣在看電影之前,絕不看任何相關資訊,喜歡在沒有任何預設力場與假設的前提下,享受電影裡的故事與驚奇。因為沒有先預期到,這是一個講「生、死、輪迴」的故事,所以看到Cage (Tom Cruise)被怪獸濺血死去的那一剎那,還真是大大地嚇了一跳!更嚇一跳的是,想不到,他竟然又活過來了,而且,重複一模一樣的路徑,重複一模一樣的對話。大概前面三十分鐘,故事處理的就是關於凱吉自己生死不息的主題。


人類目前的生活,不也如此。許多人,出門時,若沒有隨身攜帶自己的「義肢」(smart phone or any pad),肯定非常沒有安全感。因為,隻身在外,沒有網路隨伺在身,可以查一下email, 可以拍照抵影印,可以臨時查個地圖,可以來個wiki一下、google一下,或者馬上發個信息等等,便很不安心。

人類的手,不僅五指,而早已延伸至smart phone,延伸至網路,延伸至世界的每個角落裡了。那些全副裝的士兵們,不就是現代人對科技產物依附依賴的真實隱喻嘛。



凱吉一再一再的練習,重複一關又一關的挑戰,先是要跨過海岸線,通過直升機關,再到達水壩等等,最後再到羅浮宮的魔王關。這中間,因為經過上百次的練習,把那個一開始懦弱膽怯,貪生怕死的凱吉,訓練成一個曉勇善戰、殺敵無數的超級勇士。正如同麗塔(Rita,Emily Blunt)這位超級女戰士,也是經過三百多次的磨練,經歷三百多次的死亡,眼見心愛之人三百多次的死去,才將自己訓練成超越男性戰士的女中豪傑。




跟麗塔一樣,凱吉能有生死不息的超能力,能與眾人不同,其實不是獲得什麼特別的恩寵,而是來自於敵人的血液。就在第一次出征的生死存亡之際,凱吉打算與擬態同歸於盡,竟炸到了一隻Alpha-Mimic,是敵人中少數的首領。因為Alpha-Mimic血濺凱吉的臉,轉移了原來Omega(外星生物母體)能夠控制時間的特殊能力。接著,凱吉不止能夠感知母體存在的地方,同時也具有控制時間迴路的超能力,控制時間重複的路徑(time loop),重複修正事實的前進方向與狀態。簡言之,凱吉的時間控制,是源於母體的超能力。


凱吉原本的所學是廣告行銷,根本不曾接受過任何軍事訓練,忽然間,被派駐到最前線,他極為「抗拒」。他想盡一切方法要改變現狀,不過,實際上,他被現實給限制著了,給「牢籠」著了。He is entirely encaged by the reality.

他毫無任何能力能夠改變現狀,只能無助又被動地接受任何(不合理)的命令。(此時,真是難得地看到,又勇又帥的Tom Cruise演著一個又孬又弱的懦夫模樣)。








Alpha=Omega, Alpha=Cage, --> Cage=Omega. There is a cage looped from Alpha to Omega. And Cage is encaged in this loop from Alpha to Omega. Alpha mimics Omega. Omega mimics Cage. Cage himself is the core of Omega.








( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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2014/06/03 02:24
Omega cannot perdict cage action, but the blood connection makes Omega able to locate cage position.
Mimic cannot 模仿 any human. The alien name "Mimic" come from their ability to mimic enemy's strategies on the battlefield.
Cage by himself cannot know the ture location of Omega. Only with the device Dr Carter created can know the ture location.
When mimic is close to finding Cage position, Cage will receive a fake vision of Omega location, to lure cage into a trap.

"Alpha" comes from Alpha male, Alpha male means a leader of a group.

Attacking Alpha is bad because when Alpha die, it will trigger Omega to time loop.
Omega only time loop when Alpha die.

Mimics are ONE single entity. When Omega die all mimics dies.
Alphas are the leader of the normal mimic. The blood of an Alpha enables a person to reset time, but the actual one who has the ability to restart the day is OMEGA.

There is no loop, Omega is Omega母體, Alpha is Alpha. Cage is not traped, it is otherway arond, it has given a second oppunitionity , second life.

Day 0 =helicopter arrive whitehall, disobeyed the cheif orders
Day 1 =wake up in recuit camp, demoted to private
Day 2 =beach ambushed

Cage killed omega in day 1 night time, Omega blood went into Cage. Cage regain the time loop ability just like Omega.
Cage reset, wake up at day 0 at the helicopter, The news report unexplained explosion in Paris and Mimics are dying.
Cage accepted cheif order to go front line. Cage arrived recuit camp as a Major.

Now the question is how the explosion in Paris at day 0?
ximilu(katydid951) 於 2014-06-03 10:28 回覆:

Hi, Tony, 

I indeed appreciate your explanation and admire your interpretation. And of course, what you have described is the truth. 

however, what i have done is to interpret the movie from a "metaphorical" perspective. i suppose that all of the "ficitons," including Sci-Fi, are the metaphor of human life. Fictions explain and represent human world, and, in some way, they predict human future.  That's why i tried to explain the story from a little bit "over" point of view. 

however, from a metaphorically perspective, i suppose this kind of explanation can help us understand more of the story. even, we can learn something from this kind of "metaphorical" interpretation. if every story functions to "entertain" and to "educate", i expect to discover the "educate" aspect and to give more meanings to the story, (for myself and for all those who love to enjoy stories).

thanks again for your descriptions which give me more details i have forgetton after leaving the theatre. and if you are interested in discovering the meaning of "the explosion," i would like to invite you to read the second part of my interpretation. ^^