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唐·麥克林Don McLean 梵谷之歌Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night)
2024/04/14 04:01:47瀏覽249|回應0|推薦18

唐納德·理查·麥克林(Don McLean)是美國籍的創作歌手,他的代表作包括長達八分鐘的〈美國派〉以及膾炙人口的〈梵谷之歌〉。

唐·麥克林(Don McLean)  American pie

唐·麥克林(Don McLean)  Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night)

繁星之夜  Starry, starry night

將你的調色盤塗成藍色和灰色  Paint your palette blue and gray

留意夏日的一天  Look out on a summers day

一雙知道我靈魂深處黑暗的眼睛  With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

山上的影子 Shadows on the hills

畫出樹木和水仙花  Sketch the trees and the daffodils

捕捉微風和冬日的寒冷  Catch the breeze and the winter chills

在白雪皚皚的亞麻土地上色彩斑斕  In colors on the snowy, linen land

現在,我明白你想對我說的話  Now, I understand what you tried to say to me

以及你因神智清醒而遭受的痛苦  And how you suffered for your sanity

以及你如何嘗試讓他們自由  And how you tried to set them free

他們不聽,他們不知道如何  They would not listen, they did not know how

也許他們現在會聽  Perhaps theyll listen now

繁星之夜  Starry, starry night

火焰般的花朵綻放出絢麗的光芒  Flaming flowers that brightly blaze

紫羅蘭色的薄霧中旋轉的雲彩  Swirling clouds in violet haze

倒映在文森的中國藍眼睛裡  Reflect in Vincents eyes of china blue

顏色改變色調  Colors changing hue

清晨,琥珀色的麥田  Morning fields of amber grain

飽經風霜的臉上佈滿痛苦  Weathered faces lined in pain

在藝術家充滿愛的雙手下得到撫慰  Are soothed beneath the artists loving hand

現在,我明白了,你想對我說的話  Now, I understand, what you tried to say to me

你因神智清醒而遭受了多少痛苦  How you suffered for your sanity

你如何嘗試讓他們自由  How you tried to set them free

他們不聽,他們不知道如何  They would not listen, they did not know how

也許他們現在會聽  Perhaps theyll listen now

因為他們不能愛你  For they could not love you

但你的愛仍然是真實的  But still your love was true

當內心不再有希望時  And when no hope was left inside

在那個繁星點點的夜晚  On that starry, starry night

你像戀人經常做的那樣結束了自己的生命  You took your life as lovers often do

但我可以告訴你,文森特  But I could have told you, Vincent

這個世界從來就不是一個人的世界  This world was never meant for one

和你一樣美麗  As beautiful as you

繁星之夜  Starry, starry night

空蕩蕩的大廳掛著肖像  Portraits hung in empty halls

無名的牆上掛著無框的頭像  Frameless heads on nameless walls

用一雙看世界、無法忘懷的眼睛  With eyes that watch the world and cant forget

就像你遇到的陌生人一樣  Like the strangers that youve met

那些衣衫襤褸的男人們  The ragged men in ragged clothes  

血玫瑰的銀刺  The silver thorn of bloody rose  

躺在初雪上,支離破碎  Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

現在,我想我知道你想對我說什麼  Now, I think I know what you tried to say to me

你因神智清醒而遭受了多少痛苦  How you suffered for your sanity

你如何嘗試讓他們自由  How you tried to set them free

他們不會聽,他們仍然沒有聽  They would not listen, theyre not listening still

也許他們永遠不會  Perhaps they never will

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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