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2020/08/25 16:23:04瀏覽481|回應2|推薦7 | |
[續 4 凝思日記] 林之愷
我們總常汲汲營營於每天的繁忙和瑣屑, 看如何安排每天日程, 去營生, 去處理一件接一伴似永不夠時間追趕的完成; 輕忽生命在當中能夠感受或發掘的歡喜或雀躍. 海倫的老師給她一個珍貴的生命體驗, 支撐她一生渡越聾啞盲的艱困, 向一個完滿的完成: " I learn to think that everything has a lesson and a suggestion. The loveliness of things taught me all their use." " Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." " Few knew what joy it is to feel the roses pressing softly into the hand, or the beautiful motion of the lillies as they sway in the morning breeze." 沒能用眼看, 卻能用心眼感受, 就這樣對待每一刻生命功課, 她便一直掌握著生命的玫瑰和百合花香!
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |