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2016/05/22 11:23:24瀏覽401|回應0|推薦5 | |
《福特萬格勒談貝多芬第九號交響曲》 第九號交響曲當然既是貝多芬全部交響曲的終點,也是最高的冠冕。它決非華格納所認定的是交響曲制作的終結,它反而指引了交響曲後續的發展。根據貝多芬的創作來看,第九號交響曲和莊嚴彌撒以及最後幾首奏鳴曲暨四重奏,都在他偉大的晚期作品之列。 貝多芬從來沒想過寫一件流行作品(popular work / 通俗的、大眾的)。以他廣為人知的性格,是不會這麼做的⋯⋯更何況,若非貝多芬,還有誰算得上是獨特的個體?但是他清楚知道這重要性,即:人民群體和單獨個人乃是平等的。為了從他的隔離狀態解脫出來,他轉向宏大的群體。這是他的生命觀點和創作態度的真正內涵;也是我們尊崇他有若聖人的原因。 任何準確的分析都會得到這樣的結論:第九交響曲是純粹的音樂;這是最為重要的一點。 所謂的《合唱-幻想曲》無疑是第九交響曲的一種前導習作;當然我們必須承認當貝多芬創作《合唱-幻想曲》時,他還沒想到會創作出第九交響曲。 依我所見,全部四個樂章中的靈感是完全均等的。而不管從什麼角度來看,最後的流行旋律並不至於把終樂章的價值貶低。 據我所知,第九交響曲於貝多芬在世時只演出過一次。我們唯有從後續的演出中才能估量這件全新作品的難題。而正是理查華格納的演出開啟了這關鍵點。另一方面,我們必須切記:傳統唯有是鮮活的並於日常生活中展現時,才有意義。將諸如貝多芬的交響曲等作品儲藏並冷凍起來,那是不可能的。就像所有現存而生機盎然的藝術品一樣;只有當藝術品所針對的人民和群體不再存在時,這些藝術品才會死亡。所以,任何只為歐洲量身打造的音樂作品,只能維持和歐洲一樣的壽命。 _________________________ 「傳統唯有是鮮活的並於日常生活中展現時,才具有意義。」 正是這句話,我們可據以推斷福老指揮藝術的特色。 如巴倫波因所言,他以做音樂的方式過生活;換言之,他將音樂注入生活中,與此同時,他也將生活注入音樂之中。音樂(藝術)與生活是統一且一致的。也唯有如此,音樂才會隨著每天的生命脈動更新。 於是我們可以推斷,福老隨著一時的人生境遇與體悟(賦、比、興),每次演出給予音樂他當下的生命內涵。所以同樣是貝多芬第九,1942年三月和四月的演出中,鼓聲的意涵就不相同。 三月22-23日的鼓聲是對戰爭的控訴;而四月19日希特勒生日前夕的演出,則更多是個人的憤怒(因被迫演出)。 而結尾的一句話: 「所以,任何只為歐洲量身打造的音樂作品,只能維持和歐洲一樣的壽命。」 更可見福老在藝術上的開闊胸襟;他是真正了解什麼是(音樂)藝術的,那種殊為少見的、絕不打折扣以全生命投入(音樂)藝術之人! 藝術,沒有地域之隔、沒有畫地自限的餘地。藝術通向全人類、全世界、全宇宙——這就是他的藝術觀。換句話說,就是貝多芬的藝術觀;就是所有偉大藝術家的藝術觀!換言之,所有囿於一地見的,絕非偉大的藝術。 再從福老常以藝術一詞來談音樂,可見他的音樂觀實不同於一般自限於音樂範圍內的音樂家;而其音樂涵括之廣又遠甚於其他音樂家。 所以,我們可以說,他實在是一位集大成的音樂藝術家,一若文藝復興的達文西! ________________________ The IXth Symphony is surely the end and the crowning of all Beethoven Symphonies. But against Wagner’s belief that it is the end of symphonic production shows the successive development of the symphony. The IXth Symphony belonged according to Beethoven to the great works of his last period together with the Missa Solomnis, the last sonatas and the quartets. Beethoven never thought of writing a popular work. He is too much of a learned personality for that… In fact, who is an individual if not Beethoven? But he knew of the importance that the people’s community has even for the single person. In order to free himself from his isolation, he turned to the great community. This is the true content of his vision of life, his attitude in all his compositions, that is also why we honour him like a Saint. As any precise analysis would have it, the IXth Symphony is above all pure music. The so called 《Chor-Fantasie》 is undoubtedly a kind of introductory study to the IXth Symphony; of curse one has to assume that when composing this《Chor-Fantasie》, Beethoven did notes yet know that he would compose the IXth Symphony. In my opinion, the inspiration is equal in all four movements. At any rate,the popular melody does in no way belittle the finale. As far as I know, at the time of Beethoven the IXth Symphony was performed only once. Only successively have we been able to size the problem of this totally new work from its performers. And it was Richard Wagner’s performance of the Symphony that marks the point. On the other hand one must bear in mind that tradition has a meaning only as long as it is alive and present in daily life. To store and freeze works like Beethoven’s symphonies is impossible. Like all living works of arts, these works only die when the people, the community for whom they are intended, do not exist any longer. Any musical works cut to European size will only last as long as Europe itself. |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |