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2009/03/12 10:46:17瀏覽619|回應0|推薦5 | |
The Daffodils I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, 水仙 欢快地舞动 忧伤的诗人 终于露出了久违的笑颜 凝视着,凝视着 让沉寂的思绪 在这美景之中消散
当我在长椅上郁郁独卧 感受着心灵的空漠 它们的身影仿佛重现 驱散着孤独 在我的内心深处 带来一丝快慰 这是威廉·华兹华斯很有名的一首诗,我读过郭沫若和孙梁的译诗,不是太喜欢。看到Ellen chou的部落格里有这首诗,还有好看的水仙图片。其实我非常喜欢这首诗,只是我一直以为水仙是个孤独的花,它们被养在我们的客厅里面,在隆冬的时候,带来些许喜气。只是我固执地认为水仙依旧是孤独的花。 我不知道大片的水仙在湖畔的样子。读威廉的诗的时候,我可以想见,但我不认为那是真的。我以为那是诗人为了告慰自己而创造出来的。花不是问题,而诗人的心才是问题。我是怀着孤独的心来读这首诗的,没有许多翻译这首诗的人那么地欢快,甚至没有威廉那样的欢快。这不代表什么。这只代表我。
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