Before I lay me down to rest 在我就寢之前 I ask the Lord one small request 我有一個小小的願望 I know I have all I could need 雖然我擁有了一切 But this prayer is not for me 但是這個祈禱不是為我自己 Too many people on this day 外面有許多的人 Don't have a peaceful place to stay 找不到他們的棲身之所 Let all fighting cease that your children may see peace 請讓所有的爭鬥停止,讓我們的孩子看見和平 Wipe their tears of sorrow away 為他們擦掉悲傷的淚水
To believe in a day 要永遠相信 When hunger and war will pass away 飢餓和戰爭終會消失 To have the hope amidst despair 絕望之時,也不要放棄希望 That every sparrow's counted (註) 每一個人都很重要 That you hear the cries and listen to each prayer 所有的啜泣,每一個祈禱,祂都聽見了
Let me try always to believe 讓我們永遠相信 That we can hear the hearts that grieve 所有的憂傷都可以被聽見 Please help us not ignore 讓我們不要忽略了 The anguished cries of the poor 那些需要幫助的人們他們的苦澀與辛酸 Or their pain will never leave 別讓他們持續生活在苦難中
To believe in a day 要永遠相信 When hunger and war will pass away 飢餓和戰爭終會消失 To have the hope amidst despair 絕望之時,也不要放棄希望 That every sparrow's counted (註) 每一個人都很重要 That you hear the cries and listen to each prayer 所有的啜泣,每一個祈禱,祂都聽見了
Father, as you see, I'm just a child 敬愛的天父,是的,我還只是個孩子 And there's so much to understand 世上還有許多等著我去明白的道理 But if Your Grace should surround me 但是當恩典降臨我身 Then I'll do the very best I can 我會盡力做好我自己 I promise, I'll do the very best I can 我承諾,我會讓自己做到最好
To believe in a day 要永遠相信 When hunger and war will pass away 飢餓和戰爭終會消失 To have the hope amidst despair 絕望之時,也不要放棄希望 That every sparrow's counted (註) 每一個人都很重要 That you hear the cries and listen to each prayer {Hear each cry and listen to each prayer} 所有的啜泣,每一個祈禱,祂都聽見了 Help us do Your will oh Father 讓我們來實現祢的旨意 In the name of all that's true 在所有真理之前 And we'll see in one another 我們從彼此身上都看見了 The loving image of You 天父關愛的身影
【註】歌詞當中的 That every sparrow's counted 在聖經裡其實是有特別意涵的: