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與逝世之人的靈性相交- 勿忘我花精 (Forget-Me-Not)
2013/07/13 10:04:22瀏覽1631|回應0|推薦0




"我在巴黎的一家小店Herbeus買到這個北美的勿忘我花精,老闆推薦這個花精給我,因為他直覺地感覺我需要這個花精,老闆跟我聊到傳送,靈性連接和悲傷 (我出生在柬埔寨大屠殺之前,已經好多年都在處理這種創傷性的悲傷)。所以我就買了這個花精,它的效用讓我很驚訝!在吃下這個仙丹後的幾秒鐘,感覺到有個有光的繭包圍著我,然後有一道強光穿通過我的心和頂輪,我哭著而又感覺到很深層,很深層的療癒,同時我也有用蓮花花精(Lotus),我愛北美花精。過去幾年用過了不少仙丹但都沒有什麼效果,從未有如這個花精對我的影響。"
---在法國巴黎的C. Kouch

巴西花精師 Rosana Souto Sobral Vieira的臨床分享


Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我花精
Botanical Name: Myosotis sylvatica
不平衡模式:與靈性世界的靈魂缺乏連結,因為所愛之人的死亡而感覺孤單且疏離,soul myopia

If we are to heal the wounds imposed on human culture by its overly materialistic viewpoint, it is necessary to lift our consciousness of the human family to include those souls who live outside the earthly dimension. Our hearts can naturally feel grief and concern for a living child who is abandoned and lacks the loving care and attention of a family; however, our materialistic bias makes us totally oblivious to the needs of souls who have departed from the physical realm. This blindness prevents us from providing sustenance and support to such souls, and also from receiving guidance and counsel from them for our earthly affairs. Yet establishing healthy contact with souls beyond the physical dimension is not easy. Many attempt unlawful contact through lower astral currents using drugs, sexuality, mediumism, or dangerous occult techniques. Rather than using these methods, we must be able to make contact with such souls in a heartfelt, conscious manner. The path of soul communion beyond the earthly threshold is a path of love — it depends on our ability to believe in the continued existence of the soul who has departed from physical form; remaining faithful to, and continuing to nurture the bonds of love which began on Earth. Forget-Me-Not helps awaken the soul to this higher level of heart exchange. It is an important essence to consider following the initial stage of grief after the death of a loved one, and can be very helpful for those who have never fully resolved their feelings of isolation and abandonment following the loss of an important family member or friend during childhood. Forget-Me-Not can also be used by expectant parents who wish to establish a conscious link with the soul seeking to be incarnated through them, or it can be beneficial when one wishes to understand the deeper, karmic soul connection which inspires or challenges any current relationship. In all these instances, Forget-Me-Not guides us toward greater love for the human family, and greater awareness of the incredible depth, beauty, and possibility of soul-based relationships
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