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紅苜蓿花精(Red Clover):平穩集體焦慮與恐懼
2013/03/06 01:42:31瀏覽912|回應0|推薦0

Red Clover是很受歡迎的花精,可能是因為它對21世紀生活的使用有效性,當人面對恐慌和焦慮時,它可平穩和安定,Red Cover是每天日常生活中的"go-to(走出/釋放)" 花精。

最近我們收到了一份分享報告,是一個佛羅里達州家庭使用Red Clover的例子,她們分享到Red Cover提供了各種情況下的從容和自信支持,例如考前焦慮, 飛行前緊張,或是失去所愛之人的悲痛,他們還提到此花是個go-to花精,針對任何一般壓力釋放的情境。

Red Clover是複方Fear-Less的核心之花,裡面包括數組的花精和精油,可促進對恐懼的鎮定和牽制,幫助人能面對焦慮或恐慌的挑戰。

Red Clover花的影片 

Red Clover 紅苜蓿花精
Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense


The ability to maintain one's own sense of individuality can be severely challenged in adverse situations, particularly where conditions of strong “mass consciousness” prevail. It is well known that many people lose their capacity to think and respond when caught in highly-charged “webs” of emotional energy, such as the group panic or hysteria which can arise during natural disasters, war, economic crisis, or when public emotions are inflamed by political or religious demagoguery. Conditions such as these can be seen from another level as a severe form of psychic infectious disease, which rapidly inflames a crowd of people, feeding on currents of fear and confusion. The individual loses his or her own identity and is used as a vehicle to serve the needs of an unleashed force of negativity. This situation can also arise in a family, especially during emergencies or crises, when the blood ties of the family become stronger than the self-awareness of the single individual, who is then propelled by
hysterical or destructive energy. Red Clover flower essence is a powerful cleanser and balancer; it is especially related to the psychic properties of the blood, where the spiritual ego of each individual resides. Red Clover infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that the individual can think in a calm and steady way, and act from his/her own center of truth.
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