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使用花精的各種問題: 放冰箱或手機旁?可通關?
2012/06/19 23:36:08瀏覽1793|回應0|推薦1

來自英國巴曲中心(the bach center)2012/6/19臉書發文

每隔一段時間我們就會被問到這些問題: 花精放在冰箱是否有危險? 放在電視上呢? 或通過機場的海關掃描呢? 幾天前我們還被問到,花精放在手機旁有沒有關係阿?





Every so often we're asked about the dangers of keeping remedies in the fridge, or standing them on the television, or taking them through scanners at airports. Just the other day we were asked whether it's okay to store bottles next to mobile phones.

The fear is that radiation from one of these sources might affect the energy in the remedies and stop them working. People assume that Bach remedies are homoeopathy and therefore (like homoeopathic remedies) very delicate. 

The opposite is true. Like the wild plants and weeds they come from, Bach remedies are pretty tough. It's okay to keep your treatment bottle in the fridge, or in your handbag next to your mobile phone, or next to your computer. You can also take remedies in coffee and tea, and in food, and after brushing your teeth - all things that aren't advised when taking homoeopathic medicines. 

The only things to avoid are contamination (e.g. touching the dropper with your tongue), warmth, and direct sunlight. The first can introduce bacteria and will mean the remedy will taste "off" and should be discarded. The latter two can make stock remedies taste stale and unpleasant. 

Keep them cool, clean and out of direct sunlight, then: apart from that there's nothing to worry about.
( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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