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信路的持續﹕ T姐妹的分享
2013/05/31 10:14:09瀏覽1399|回應12|推薦62

T姐妹工作後﹐ 不到一個月﹐ 就為公司簽妥一個大客戶的訂單。



我以基督徒身份﹐ 與主同行的旅程始於16個月之前。重生之後﹐ 蒙神厚愛﹐ 我也不想多言敘述在新兵訓練營裡﹐ 神是如何培訓我。

全時在家15年之後﹐ 我必須重入職場。去年11月我開始來參加這個講座。報上名字之後﹐我腦海一片空白。心裡卻有個微聲低語﹕ 神遠大於你15年的無職業﹗

來到這裡實在是個挑戰﹐ 尤其每個禮拜一都是下雨天。在我生命最低沉時﹐ 這種天氣更添障礙。然而我鼓勵你們﹐ 還是盡可能的來吧﹗

我是有證照的註冊會計師﹐ 外州的執照目前無效﹔ 我的領域是稅法﹐ 但其中法規不斷在變﹐ 我難以跟上﹔ 我所專精的國際法﹐ 範圍更是狹窄。

當我看到那個工作的需求時﹐ 極其震撼﹐ 那實在太吻合我的履歷了﹗ 如果得不到那個工作﹐ 我大概會崩潰﹗ 那只能是神全然的作為﹗

經過一連串冗長的面談﹐ 這個工作和我這個人好像磁鐵一般互相吸引﹐ 然後一切都停擺﹗ 人事部門只能告訴我﹐ 沒消息就是好消息﹐ 此外無法多說甚麼。

神也全然靜默。漫長的三個禮拜過去了﹐ 人事終於打來電話﹐ 我聽著留言﹐ 不知如何解釋。沒消息就是好消息﹗ 現在工作到手﹐ 我回到15年前那個專精的領域。讚美神﹗

極其痛苦時﹐ 我多麼希望能有隻手伸入我的胸膛﹐ 把心掏出來﹐ 放在桌上﹐ 讓它停止跳動。然而這樣的情況終是沒有發生。

在尋覓生命的目的之後﹐ 我首次頓悟﹐ 鬆手﹐ 握住的夢想﹐ 疼痛﹐ 憤怒﹐ 苦毒﹐ 驕傲﹐ 憂煩﹐ 掌控﹐ 恐懼﹐ 一點一滴的鬆開﹐ 讓它們過去﹐ 就此罷休。不如此﹐ 就無法騰出空間﹐ 領受神的恩典。

這個旅程最困難的就是建立信心﹐ 在無太多個人經歷可依循時﹐ 學著信賴神。在全然黑暗時﹐ 如何邁出信心的步伐﹖

要以神為樂﹐ 是我能作的﹐ 而詩篇37﹕4﹕ [你要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你]的下半句﹐ 那是神的工作了。

神總是大於我們的各樣難題。謝謝你們來參加﹐ 或是志願的服事﹔ 最重要的﹐ 我感謝神﹐ 祂是信實的﹐ 也愛所有的人。

[My journey so far has been 16 months walking with the Lord as a brand new Christian. Being born again, God loves me so much that I don’t want to bore you how God has disciplined me in the boot camp.

Re-entering the workforce became a must, after staying home for more than 15 years. I started with this meeting last November, at the introduction, after I said my name, my mind went blank. A little voice whispered, “God is bigger than your 15 year unemployment.” Coming to this place is a bigger challenge because it rains on Mondays when we meet every time. The weather adds more obstacles when I face the lowest point of my life. I’d like to encourage you, come when you can.

I am a CPA with an inactive license in the other State. I was in the field of tax. With the tax laws change constantly, I haven’t kept up with it. Even worse, I was specialized in international tax which narrows down the field. When I saw the job description, I was shocked and scared because it matched with my resume. What if I don’t get the job, I would be crashed. It was God’s work totally.

I went through a series of lengthy interviews. I and the job were like magnet attracting each other, and then everything stopped moving. The HR could not give me any update but kept telling me no news was good news. God was totally silent. After three long weeks, the HR called me. I didn't know how to interpret the phone call when I played the message. No news is good news. Now what? The offer came. I am back in the field that I was specialized 15 years ago. Praise the Lord!

When I was in pain, I wished there were a hand going through my chest, ripping the heart out, placing it on the table, hoping the beatings die down and finally stop. However, it has never happened. After searching for the purpose of my life, I visualized my fist opening up, letting dreams go, letting pain go, letting anger go, letting bitterness go, letting pride go, letting worries go, letting control go, letting fear go, little by little. Without losing those, I have no room to receive grace.

The hardest part of the journey is to build the faith, to trust the Lord when there was not much personal experience to rely on. When it is totally dark, how to take that step of faith? Be delighted in the Lord, that’s my part of work. The other half of the verse in Psalm 37:4 is God’s job.

God is bigger than all our problems. I thank everyone participates, volunteers in this ministry. Most of all, I thank God. He is faithful and loves us all.]

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2013/05/31 10:28

原來這位 T 姐妹是會計師 - 其實學會計的人根本不必擔心找不到工作的。

抱歉,我忍不住說出我的第一時的感想。事實上,不管有沒有任何資歷,我相信有神的帶領,絕對不用擔心生存的問題。 - 回到我最新文章的主題,人是資產,是神賜給的產業。還有一句老話,留得青山在,不怕沒材燒。


客旅貞吟(jchen50) 於 2013-05-31 10:46 回覆:



山楓 @ 薪火相傳
2013/05/31 10:27
勇敢的女人,給一個讚!  愛你喲!
客旅貞吟(jchen50) 於 2013-05-31 10:48 回覆:
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