20th Dec 2023; New Delhi, BHARAT
First, we all need to align our energy so that we can assimilate the wisdom serenely. MEDITATION
(This is just the description, not the complete 一)
冥想: (這只是描述,不是完整的描述)
Close your eyes. Start focusing on your breath. Breathe in brilliant white light, as you breathe out let the white light permeate you and release what you don’t need.
閉上眼睛。 注意你的呼吸。 吸入明亮的白光,當你呼出時,讓白光滲透你,釋放你不需要的東西。
The breath-in – breathe out process was repeated on physical body, plasma body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body.
I AM a being of light. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).
我是一個光之存有。 我們透過說出神聖的單字 OM (吟唱 OM 3次)來確認這一事實。
In this group, we all are beings of light and connected together as a being of light. WE ARE forming one being of light. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).
在這個群體中,我們都是光之存有,作為一個光之存有連結在一起。 我們正在形成一個光之存有。 我們透過說出神聖的單字 OM (吟唱 OM 3次)來確認這一事實。
On this planet, we are connected to other beings of light and form a planetary network of light. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).
在這個星球上,我們與其他光之存有相連,形成了一個光之行星網絡。 我們透過說出神聖的單字 OM (吟唱 OM 3次)來確認這一事實。
In this galaxy, we are connected to other beings of light and form an interplanetary network of light. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).
在這個銀河系中,我們與其他光之存有相連,形成了一個光星際網路。 我們透過說出神聖的單字 OM (吟唱 OM 3次)來確認這一事實。
Now visualize this group in a sky-blue pillar of light. Coming from the sky, going to the core of earth, and coming from the core of earth going to the sky. It is connecting us to our highest purpose.
現在觀想這幾天藍色的光柱。 從天而降,進入地心,從地心進入天空。 它將我們與最高目標聯繫在一起。
Now visualize violet flame through St Germain coming and going anti-clockwise around the group, removing all darkness and providing protection to the group.
Become aware of your surroundings and as you are ready you can open your eyes.
Q2 –Regarding ETs who created humans – Anunnaki, can you elaborate on that? Q2 – 關於創造人類的外星人 – Anunnaki,您能詳細說明一下嗎?
Ans – Zecharia Sitchin wrote this book. This information is not correct. Many things and information are misinterpreted. 答——撒迦利亞·西琴 (Zecharia Sichin) 寫了這本書。 此資訊不正確。 許多事情和資訊都被誤解了。 ---
Q7 – There are many theories of human origin or evolution, like ET or Anunnaki. What is true? 問題7:有許多關於人類起源或演化的理論,例如 ET 或 Anunnaki。 什麼是真的?
Ans – There was one stream created on earth. Most was genetically engineered by ET beings. 答:地球上有一條溪流,大部分是由外星人基因工程改造的。 ---
With this we conclude the main program. I hope people will start activating the temples and vortexes in India.