《A Seal of Suede》_written by me (edited by bee)
Dawning, the mist over the lake, flowing.
So delicate like angel’s enchanted face,
As never been aged, Flawless and charming.
I indulge myself in your tenderness of silence.
Leaning, an old willow, sighing for sorrow,
You came along like wonder,
Wiped away my tears, so gentle.
Then faded to dim in morning glow.
Always, you come swiftly then fade.
As usual, leaves no mark to trace.
I entertain a wild hope, your merciful comforts,
With my silence.
The dawn is again on the way,
Stood by lake, I shall wait,
For the longings of my ecstasy.
My eyes await the tender golden suede;
___A Seal of Suede