坐過中港台的捷運,真要為美國人(洛杉磯)愧死,現在美國人也終於認識他們政府的無能無效用浪費之極 |
2012/01/28 08:39 |
LA’s Train-To-Nowhere
Description: http://www.citywatchla.com/images/stories/Jan-2012/cw108h.pngLA NOTEBOOK - I recently returned from a visit to St. Kitts and a remarkable thing happened while waiting in the airport departure lounge. I was seated within earshot of a group of 7-8 businessmen who had spent a week working contacts in St. Kitts. They didn’t seem too anxious talk about their stay and so the conversation drifted to talk about the world’s best airports. The first mentioned was the Singapore airport. There is nothing whatsoever bashful about Singapore. It is a beautiful leader and it throws its beauty, preeminence, and cordial attitude at you the minute you step off the plane at the International Airport. There is an abundance of rainforest gardens, waterfalls, and running streams regardless of which portion of the large climate controlled terminals you are in. Before you leave the terminal, you are assisted by a hostess who speaks English, Chinese, and Malay in addition to others who speak the Asian and European languages.
Next they talked about the Honolulu International Airport. It is difficult to separate the beauty of Hawaii from the beauty of the airport. The traveler is immersed into paradise the minute your foot hits the deck. There isn’t a lot of climate control in the terminals because the terminals are open to the elements. There is tropical flora and fauna and all you have to do is step out to the front curb to catch The Bus going downtown and to Waikiki.
LA train 2 |
2012/01/28 08:37 |
They talked about the opening of the new Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. We visited Bangkok years ago before the new airport opening so I had to depend on what they were saying. It sounded wonderful, convenient, beautiful, and accessible. Then somebody dropped a bomb and referred to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) as the worst. Nobody objected. They just mumbled and looked down at their feet. Nobody could offer any explanation whatsoever as to why there is no public train access to LAX.
I regret that I could not spend more time with them and get a sense of their basis for these comparisons and where they live. I missed their perspective of this. I can, however, give you a perspective on the lack of access to LAX.
There is no access. There is a metro train, The Metro Green Line, connecting to the Southern California transit system that zooms toward LAX then suddenly, a mile from the airport, veers south toward Manhattan Beach. It is called the Train-To-Nowhere. Ten people a year ride the Green Line to Manhattan Beach while 60,000,000 people a year arrive/depart through LAX.
LA train |
2012/01/28 08:32 |
I once spoke to someone instrumental in building the Green Line and they were proud that the needs of 10 people are being met. One morning I rode the Green Line to the end and got off at the Marine Street station. The object was to talk with one of the commuters and learn how their needs are being met. Only problem was that I was the only commuter left at Marine Street.
Los Angeles can correct this colossal snafu and run a train underground around the LAX terminals. The Frankfurt International Airport should serve as a model. There is a flurry of metro train building right now.
In any event I am glad to be home in one piece and learn why the businessmen didn’t talk about their stay in St. Kitts. According to INTERPOL, St. Kitts has the highest murder rate in the world. Denzil Douglas and his Labour Government are helpless to stop the violence which is spiraling out of control.
(Kay Martin is a writer and a new contributor to CityWatch. His years of travel and work included tours in Russia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia, Hawaii, Latin America, and the Pacific. He can be contacted at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .) –cw
Tags: LAX, Los Angeles, Green Line, train to nowhere, transportation, LA transportation
take Amtrak in Los Angeles |
2011/12/15 12:37 |
Hi, Mr. Mo:
I tried the Amtrak to Santa Barbara, and south to San Diego during weekends before. It was fun and with very reasonable ticket fare. I haven't had chance to take again, but I definitely take again. There are train station at Fullerton, Anaheim and Irvine..many cities, you may travel across the country to east coast by train. Also, the Metro link from Riverside to down town LA is pretty convenient, there are a lot of people has to commute daily. I feel very sorry for them. No matter what transportation, the traffic is horrible and miserable in Los Angeles and NYC.
I took a free train once in Austria Vienna. I didnt know I need to pay for it! I thought just one ticket for all you can get ride?! What a lucky day~!
Happy holiday to you and family.
嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上 |
莫大小說 (iyumo) 於 2011-12-15 21:39 回覆: |
HA, I have a totally different experience,
A long time ago, I was invited with my family people to take train from Union Station to San Diego. It’s so slow that nobody can stand, everyone made promises never taking the California train again
Another time, we were invited by friends to take the night train to the Grand Canyon, it is also a surprisingly slow journey.
So I thought the American train, if it is first time to a place for fun, it‘s ok, other wise, it is not practical
行李 |
2011/12/08 21:43 |
想像你扛著那三十五公斤的大行李上下樓梯 就覺得~就覺得~ 想要坐地大哭..... 真慘喔
莫大小說 (iyumo) 於 2011-12-09 04:31 回覆: |
還好啦!是粉無奈 ,當場跟住那麼多人的人潮急急忙忙追趕急走之下蠻狼狽的,不過事情過後就沒怎麼覺得? 還感到滿好玩的 覺得苦的應是地鐵站出來,在人民大道上不曉飯店在哪個方向,兩人一路問路人,不想街上路人都是外地人,個個都不熟路,東指西指,害得我們東跑西跑,後來發覺不該問學生樣的年輕人,他們熱切有餘,意見又多,卻不實用,最後還是問擺攤的和車夫等人,才是熟路的當地住戶,這時確把我累到。只有要莫太去打探問路,我留在十字路口守行李,其時一度路上有一野雞車要來載我們,我嫌就在附近,不願花冤枉錢,後來才弄清上海計程車很便宜,有些失算
一回生二回熟 |
2011/12/07 12:45 |
那麼重的行李 搬上搬下小心閃了腰啊
莫大小說 (iyumo) 於 2011-12-07 23:18 回覆: |
地鐵卡 |
2011/12/02 20:02 |
我不是地鐵專家,我猜你是買了地鐵專用的卡了。 下次來的時候,不要自己從機器買,到地鐵站的服務中心,或服務櫃檯,買卡,付卡的押金 20元,另外充值,10元、20元,好像沒有限制。這個卡是地鐵、公車、出租車都通用。出租車用的話,要小心,別被不肖司機掉包了。 出境的時候,可以搭任何一種交通工具到龍陽站換乘磁浮,這樣就沒有在龍陽站叫不到車的困擾。
莫大小說 (iyumo) 於 2011-12-02 21:01 回覆: |
呵呵! |
2011/12/02 16:26 |
第一次當呆胞,何妨! 應該先打聽一下,入境別考慮磁浮,除非你住在龍陽。否則轉車就是個大問題,即使叫計程車也不容易。 搭機場巴士最理想。搭二號地鐵也是要換車,但是聽說沒那麼困難。 時間容許的話,最好買交通卡,類似悠遊卡,離開的時候再退。但是要打聽好哪裡退。买交通卡,省錢又方便。
莫大小說 (iyumo) 於 2011-12-02 19:55 回覆: |