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2011/06/16 05:39:23瀏覽1155|回應3|推薦57 | |
(1)這回地中海遊輪遊是從西班牙的巴塞隆納上船,經法國的尼斯,義大利的弗羅倫斯、羅馬,希臘雅典,土耳其海岸,再折回經希臘,義大利的那波里斯,最後又回到巴塞隆納,我們特地再待一晚始賦歸。短時間踏足遊歷南歐許多美麗的城市,一時有些紛沓,還好昨天在臉書上和書友留言交談談到巴塞隆納,有釐清的效果。是故藉之將留言轉貼過來,權代偶底旅遊記錄( 俗在是懶得費勁寫 遊記了呀!) 莫大: 在飛往 Barcelona 之前,朋友告之千萬別企畢卡索美術館,裡面都是早期習作,不值得一觀 C: 看了早期的作品才曉得晚期有多精采, 還是值得看的~ K: 結果咧?你到底進去沒?記得某部歐洲影片就敘述了發生在畢卡索美術館的男女情事。但會讓我印象深刻的是:的確,總在書籍裏看到的畫作都不如親臨現場那美妙的顏料塗染和真實;既使精裝版的出版品,還是與真實有距離的。個人淺見。但我沒那麼喜歡畢卡索,縱使我曾站在他巨大幾幅畫作之前,如此近距離的觀看,仍無動於衷。或許,就是沒眼緣吧!也或許,我更甚愛梵谷及其它現在懶得列名的畫家。 莫大: 時間太短,光看高第都不夠,米羅,逹利的大作都無法企一窺,早期畢卡索更只得遺珠之憾,高第實在是瘋狂想像的鬼才,太有意思了,完全可開啟人們稚拙狂想的想像力,西班牙人最富想像創作之力,不由懷念起the man from la mancha。 莫大: 我真喜愛畢卡索,上面友人的話其實對我沒影響,他早期畫作我愛得要死,摹傲古典的作品都一樣喜愛 B: 如果去過巴黎畢卡索美術館,那巴塞隆納的沒進去不會遺憾啦!他的作品歐美各大美術館多得是,反而巴館收集既早期又非精品也少得可憐。 莫大: 巴塞隆納藝術館真巨大氣派,蓋得典雅壯麗,我們一路走上小丘梯階走也走不完,還好部份坡道有電梯,裡面正舉辦多項展覽(米羅的館就在其後大約不遠之處),也是考慮時間不足,若買門票進裡面,進去不划算,只在門廳打過轉,巴塞隆納值得駐足很幾天,可是上遊輪前住的旅館是觀光區,雖很有趣,可是敲遊客成風,而且敲得兇,觀感不佳。回程住一夜是火車站區一星旅館( 哈,便宜但非常侷促。朋友住的是附近四星級旅館),是住宅區,巴城林蔭大道遍地,路旁餐座遍地都是,享用了一餐,品賞了歐式咖啡,在林蔭道下的咖啡座消磨很有情緻,很有意思。藝術館前大道路封路做成許多藍球場,舉辦仿NBA大賽,(說巴城慶典活動不斷,果然,這應是配合慶祝NBA決賽)讓青年男女穿著NBA各隊球衣組隊比賽過球星癮,也有各種讓老少藍球遊藝活動,我們也被拉進去投藍,臨行還被一位絕色高挑美女(真是青春美麗己極)追上來贈與一小禮品,呵呵! 西班牙少年男女帥哥美女多的是吔。
高第在巴城市中心設計 的商業樓宇Casa Bartillo外觀 內部一樓天井之天窗設計 跌足朝拜的遊客鎮日徘徊樓外欣賞沉緬 巴城綜合藝術館瞭望, 兩巨柱後面的街道正整面封街作為NBA節慶比賽遊樂場 (2) 歐遊電邮日誌 ─ 完結篇 julia (莫太太) to @Sean Our return journey went smoothly without any hiccups. Both legs on time and we arrived LAX before 4 pm as scheduled. Yes, it's been a great trip. Very glad we were able to do it together. Let me know if there is any additional credit card charge before I mail you the check of $160. From: Sean To: JULIA Subject: RE: Hello!!! Julia, Did you come back to LAX yesterday as scheduled, was everything OK? We came back last night at 7:30, the Ma and the Liang's also arrived without incident, except the Liang's got a full inspections at the Customs. Sorry we missed you in Barcelona, We spent the day by walking on the streets and using 16 subway tickets. Glad to have the journey with you all, and glad to come back home, We had a nice chinese dinner last night. Sean From: Julia To: sean Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 07:39:20 -0700 Subject: RE: Hello!!! Sean, This is my work email address; I used xxx@yahoo.com on vacation. Sorry we missed you. Now that you mention, the counter guy was constantly on phone. No wonder you can't call through. We thought your explocation would keep you busy. That afternoon we searched for a Starbuck coffee place to check emails and walked to Casa Bartillo, Sant Stacion, and walked back to hotel. Btw, Hotel Transit is within 200 steps from your previous hotel Gran Torre. Julia From: Sean Subject: Hello!!! Julia, We couldn't call you through, you hotel line is busy all the time. What are you doing for the afternoon, we just checked in about an hour ago, take a little rest and going out again later. BTW, We heard there is a nice Chinese restaurant in Olympic area, and will try it for dinner. Please either call or e-mail us. Sean 遊輪中庭迪斯可熱舞,身在舞池中癲跳,無從照出場中狂熱景相,只有攝取旁邊人群了 |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |