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2016/09/17 13:35:00瀏覽1308|回應0|推薦102 | |
高塔 2016 幾隻狗,一個兩周歲的男嬰 大哭,邊痾,邊作的地景藝術周圍 蒼蠅加入,指指點點 幾棵大樹,扶疏的枝枒 攀救失足落入烈陽,沒沒泅泳的行人 引入蔭下 幾座山,邊聊邊抽雲煙 笑對,揹所有家當,負氣出走的溪 噴幾口,歡迎折回的煙圈 幾朵雲,上回說的戒賭,第九百九十九次 不賭了,現在只猜灶的心,輸贏看 哪家炊煙,飄最遠 Not So Long , Not So Short Mountain Village Day Hytower 2016 A few dogs around a crying baby of two full years old Who made a land art by making a poo poo Were accompanied by flies to point at this and that. A few tall trees reached out trunks thickly covered with branches and leaves To save the pedestrians who were drowned and swam hard up and down in the scorching sun And lead them under the tree shade. A few mountains having a chat and smoking pipes of mist Smiled at the brook who carried all luggage on his back to run away in a fit of pique Pulled out mouths of smoke rings to welcome him back. A few clouds stopped gambling, the last time he said never being the nine hundred and ninety ninth time. Now, let’s just have a bet on the heart of the cooking stove. Win or lose. All depends on Which house’s smoke flies the farthest. |
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