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《英語簡報演說技巧》引言形式 印象式發言
2016/10/04 09:54:24瀏覽924|回應0|推薦0

黃玟君老師教你做簡報 4

當講者利用意想不到的統計數字 (statistics)、驚人的事實 (fact),或與一般大眾想法相左的資訊 (information),便可以引起聽眾的注意,甚至是強烈的情緒反應。
這類的數據、事實、資訊等通常能在聽眾的腦海中留下深刻的印象,同樣地,這類印象式發言必須與簡報內容相關。(詳細內容請見書中全文p. 73)

例子 1

Do you know that people with pale skin are eight times more likely to get skin cancer than people with dark skin?



例子 2 

A report that just came out revealed that people under 30 are twice as likely to get a job interview than people over 40.


例子 3

Today we have around 100 high school students here. One hundred students. Well, that’s how many students will be bullied verbally or physically in Taiwan during the 20 minutes I’ll be speaking to you. More than 7,000 every day; more than 200,000 every month. This is how serious youth bullying is.*


( 知識學習語言 )
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