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2006/09/23 17:17:26瀏覽906|回應0|推薦8 | |
有一張 Naxos 出品的 CD ,是波蘭現代樂派作曲家葛瑞茲基(Henryk Gorecki)完成於1976年的「悲愁之歌」交響曲(Symphony of Sorrowful Songs),這是張很動聽的片子,跟一般當代作曲家動輒以不諧和音和故作玄離來困擾聽者的曲目大不相同。葛瑞茲基在其中加入了女聲演唱的樂章,其最後一首是波蘭地區方言民謠,大意是一位母親悼念亡兒,譴責發動戰爭的人,說明書譯成了英文,讀後很感動,抄錄於下: Folk-Song in Opole Region Dialect
Where has he gone, My dearest son? Killed by the harsh enemy, perhaps, In the rebellion. You bad people, In the name of the Holy God, Tell me why you killed My dear son. Never more Will I have his protection, Even if I weep My old eyes away, Or if my bitter tears Were to make another Oder[註], They would not bring back My son to life. He lies in the grave I know not where Though I ask people Everywhere Perhaps the poor boy Lies in a rough trench Instead of lying, as he might, In a warm bed. Sing for him, And God's little flowers,
哪一個戰爭的發動者不是自命為正義之師,"In the name of the Holy God"呢?而許許多多傷痛的母親甚至找不到亡兒之所在。男人發動了戰爭,女人則要承受喪父喪夫喪子之痛。 這首曲子出現在一部描述空難餘生的電影《劫後生死戀》(Fearless)的片尾,男主角第二回瀕臨死亡之際,音樂響起,主旋律反覆又反覆,綿綿不絕,似無盡頭,直到男主角為愛妻救回,影片落幕,曲子卻仍繼續演奏,轉入女聲唱出跟死亡有關的歌詞,令人感動莫名。 電影《魔鬼雷普利》(Ripley's Game)也以此曲片段為配樂,但時間較短。
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |