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2013/08/06 22:46:26瀏覽828|回應0|推薦4 | |
遊客不解地主民情難免闖禍 郭都人 韓國《朝鮮日報》中文網今天刊載關於中國大陸遊客的新聞,全文如下: 港媒:中國遊客不解北韓民情鬧笑話 朝鮮日報駐北京特派記者 安勇炫 (2013.08.06 10:17) 香港《南華早報》8月5日報導,在北韓旅遊的中國遊客向北韓兒童丟擲糖果等不尊重北韓民眾的行為引起北韓人不滿。但因為接待中國遊客是賺外匯的主要手段之一,北韓導遊無法表示抗議,只能暗自感歎:「又開始了!」 專們組織北韓旅遊的旅行社「高麗旅遊」的西蒙•考克瑞爾接受《南華早報》採訪時,以中國遊客向北韓兒童丟擲糖果為例說,「他們就像在喂鴨子。北韓人認為此舉很無理、令人反感。」他說,「觀看音樂學校演出時,他們會毫無顧忌地沖到舞臺上抱起孩子合影。」北京的北韓消息人士當天說,自允許中國遊客開自家車去北韓旅遊以來,有的中國遊客甚至從車裏向北韓人丟擲吃的東西。 ▲在北韓旅遊的中國遊客在行車途中向車窗外的北韓兒童和居民丟擲糖果。該照片由中國人拍攝于去年4月,以「曝光北韓現實」為題上傳至互聯網。/ 圖片來源 = 搜房網 組織西方遊客赴朝的旅行社Young Pioneer Tours的創辦人加雷斯•詹森這樣描述典型的中國旅遊團:百十來號人帶著帽子跟著一面旗子直奔禮品店而去。即便中朝是鄰國和盟友,但「他們其實對這個國家一無所知。」 一些中國遊客向北韓人毫不顧忌地問及北韓體制等敏感問題並頗有微詞以至使對方為難,根本不考慮北韓民眾的感受。 考克瑞爾說:「中國人嗓門兒較大」所以北韓人心目中神聖的金正日出生地等地基本不接待中國遊客。但中國遊客在北韓商店和賭場花錢如流,所以對於中國遊客的素質,北韓方面只能忍氣吞聲。 《洛杉磯時報》駐北京記者芭芭拉•德米克說:「就個體的遊客在北韓的受歡迎程度而言,美國遊客比中國遊客更有人氣。」 資料顯示,去年中國赴朝遊客為23.74萬人,較前年增長22.5%。中國國家旅遊局正在推進對在海外有不文明行為的本國遊客回國後予以處罰的方案。 上述《朝鮮日報》中文網文章也有英文版本,全文如下: Chinese Tourists 'Behaving Crassly in N.Korea' Chinese tourists are behaving boorishly in North Korea throwing sweets at children in the street, the South China Morning Post reported on Monday. It was the latest in a long line of stories highlighting alleged rudeness by Chinese tourists abroad.But the daily added, "North Korea's tourism workers may look down on their boorish northern visitors but they also appreciate their big-spending ways." Simon Cockerell of Koryo Tours, which specializes in tours to the North, was quoted as citing "as an example mainland tourists throwing sweets at North Korean children 'like they're feeding ducks,'" and as saying, "The North Koreans think that's undignified and offensive.""If mainland tourists go to a school performance, they don't have any qualms about rushing to the stage and picking up a child for photos," it added. A source in Beijing said since 2011, Chinese tourists have been able to go to North Korea in their private cars, and some throw food at North Koreans from their cars. In this undated photo released by Chinese website Soufun, Chinese tourists throw candy at North Koreans from their cars. In this undated photo released by Chinese website Soufun, Chinese tourists throw candy at North Koreans from their cars. The daily quoted Gareth Johnson of Young Pioneer Tours, another North Korea specialist, as describing "a 'stereotypical' mainland tour group: 'A hundred people following a flag, all wearing caps and just being bussed about, largely to gift stores.'" The Chinese visitors seem to know nothing about the North, "even though the two countries are neighbours and allies," Johnson added. Some Chinese tourists also embarrass North Koreans by criticizing their regime. The Chinese tourists are typically so noisy and uncouth that "only select Chinese can go to [Mt. Baekdu], known for its volcanic lake and as the birthplace of late leader Kim Jong-il, while the mausoleum of Kim and his father, Kim Il-sung, are absent from their itineraries," the daily said. But North Korea has to put up with the Chinese tour groups because they are "splurging on everything from souvenirs to casinos." "The Chinese tourism office says 237,400 Chinese travelled to North Korea last year, 22.5 percent more than in 2011," the paper said. The China National Tourism Administration has already warned package tourists, who are typically not well educated, to mind their manners overseas. 中文與英文兩種版本之間的差異,要么源自誤譯,要么是刻意淡化中文版措辭的結果。後者的起因是:半島南北雙方都顧忌北京的反應,都不能暢所欲言。 至於中國大陸遊客丟人現眼言行的起因,其實可以追溯到某些中國大陸論客的信口開河作風。例如有一名原籍中國大陸的邱姓香港「資深評論員」公然說:穆罕默德就是回教的真主,又說「朝鮮人,尤其是平壤人的素質,比中國任何一個城市的人的素質都要高」 當然,兩者是同樣荒唐的惡劣胡謅。 如果有中國大陸遊客誤信「穆罕默德即真主」謬論,又貿然前往中東、北非誇誇其談。其嚴重後果就簡直不堪設想了。 如果有中國大陸遊客誤信「朝鮮人比中國任何一個城市的人素質高」的謬論卻發現事實與讕言謬論大不相符,發現受騙之後,恐怕也自然遷怒當地,導致許多無辜百姓備受無端欺侮。 總之,當務之急莫如制止類似邱姓香港「資深評論員」的無知評論家肆意散播毫無根據的即興言論。 其次,必須注意到中華民族與大韓民國的關係是亞洲最重要的雙邊關係,毫無懸念與例外。任何中國大陸遊客都不能肆無忌憚在朝鮮半島南北撒野。理由很簡單,半島統一的模式與進度都關乎東亞如何回歸傳統秩序,特別是如何處理日本,迫使日本改邪歸正,廢除日本世襲政權,建立日本共和國,等等大問題。 說到底,無知遊客罔顧地主國民情,早晚一定闖禍,至少丟人現眼。朝鮮半島各方都應該杜絕應該杜絕這類遊客,無論他們的國籍與民族宗教背景。 作 者 是 旅 居 北 美 的 業 餘 文 化 工 作 者 圖一,朝鮮半島北部無辜百姓備受無端欺侮 |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |