安倍否認侵略歷史 遭遇美媒譴責
朝鮮日報 駐華盛頓特派記者 任敏爀(2013.04.2915:20)
《華盛頓郵報》當地時間27日在社論中指出:「德國幾十年前已經正視侵略歷史並在歐洲建立了穩固地位,日本承認(史實)為何如此之難? 」《華盛頓郵報》還指出:「安倍掌權後在經濟和國防等領域採取了具有劃時代意義的措施,但他最近表現出的歷史認識把自己取得的所有進展都推向危險的深淵。韓國和中國對安倍否認‘侵略史’感到憤怒是可以理解的。歷史經常被重新解釋,但日本佔領、侵略中國是無可爭議的事實。 」
Shinzo Abe’s inability to face history
By Editorial Board,
Apr 27, 2013 12:34 AM EDT
The Washington Post Published: April 26
FROM THE MOMENT last fall when Shinzo Abe reclaimed the office of Japanese prime minister that he had bungled away five years earlier, one question has stood out: Would he restrain his nationalist impulses — and especially his historical revisionism — to make progress for Japan?
Until this week, the answer to that question was looking positive. Mr. Abe has taken brave steps toward reforming Japan’s moribund economy. He defied powerful interest groups within his party, such as rice farmers, to join free-trade talks with the United States and other Pacific nations that have the potential to spur growth in Japan. He spoke in measured terms of his justifiable desire to increase defense spending.
This week he seemed willing to put all the progress at risk. Asked in parliament whether he would reconsider an official apology that Japan issued in 1995 for its colonization of Korea in the past century, Mr. Abe replied: “The definition of what constitutes aggression has yet to be established in academia or in the international community. Things that happened between nations will look differently depending on which side you view them from.”
Officials in South Korea and China responded with fury, and understandably so. Yes, history is always being reinterpreted. But there are such things as facts. Japan occupied Korea. It occupied Manchuria and then the rest of China. It invaded Malaya. It committed aggression. Why, decades after Germany solidified its place in Europe by facing history honestly, are facts so difficult for some in Japan to acknowledge?
We understand that South Korea and, to an even greater extent, China at times stoke anti-Japan sentiment for domestic political purposes. China distorts its own history and, unlike Japan, in many cases does not allow conflicting interpretations to be debated or studied. But none of that excuses the kind of self-destructive revisionism into which Mr. Abe lapsed this week.
An inability to face history will prejudice the more reasonable goals to which South Korea and China also object. Mr. Abe has valid reasons, given the defense spending and assertive behavior of China and North Korea, to favor modernization of Japan’s defense forces. He has good reason to question whether Japan’s “self-defense” constitution, imposed by U.S. occupiers after World War II, allows the nation to come to the aid of its allies in sufficient strength. But his ability to promote reform at home, where many voters remain skeptical, and to reassure suspicious neighbors plummets when he appears to entertain nostalgia for prewar empire.
One Man's Invasion Is . . .
Japan's Prime Minister reinterprets the history of World War II.
Who started World War II? We thought that one belonged to the Department of Settled Questions, along with any lingering doubts about whether the Earth orbits the sun. But Japan's Shinzo Abe has a fresh, er, interpretation.
"The definition of what constitutes an 'invasion' has yet to be established in academia or in the international community," the Prime Minister told the Japanese Diet Tuesday. "Things that happened between nations will look different depending on which side you view them from."
Mr. Abe's foray into historical relativism will come as news to survivors of Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March or the Rape of Nanjing. Much of the world long ago forgave Japan its wartime atrocities. But it hasn't forgotten them.
Meantime, the Prime Minister's remarks come as the Korean crisis isn't over, and as China tests Japan over its possession of the Senkaku islands (Diaoyu to the Chinese). Japan is a democracy and an ally, but Mr. Abe's disgraceful remark will make his country no more friends abroad.
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