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買東西 就算是義賣 粉嫩都要考慮 自己有沒有那麼多錢 何況是平常買東西 價錢排第一。
2008/02/08 03:20:04瀏覽240|回應1|推薦2

Do not settle for a price that

you wouldn't take the first place.
2/14/07 8:48:01 am


Do not go out there shop for things with no negotiable price.

 Even if you purchased the items in the end,

you will repent later.

Some convient stores that sell cigartees,

gasoline & convient stops, fastfood resturants,

 and Chinese fastfood cafe(in the mall) tells you,

"We accept cash and we only honor you

 and give better deals when you pay in cash.

Some of them won't even want to take Debit/Credit ,

 nor checks, either.

Some of them just asking you to pay more

 for what you were already paying.                                       

    And if you must pay by Debit/Credit,

there's a minimun they tell you you must spend

or there will be a surcharge.

Your life will be simple

until you start go looking for every shop

and searching for the one cigarette

that you care to smoke for.

Then,found out the cashier/clerk telling you

if you pay in cash, that's the price

that you wanted initially.

If you choose to pay it with Debit/Credit,

then they make sure

you read their other policy of surcharge added

when you want to pay this way.

For instance, it could be 50cents or 75 cents more

depends on the shop policy.

Everyone run their stores differently.

Some want to make friends while making money.

Some want to make money from open to close.

Some want to avoid to pay taxes.

Some want to avoid customers all together

by not carry a machine for those who only wish

to use Debit/credit; that all they

wanted to receive is cash and nothing else.

That being said, you must learn to shop wise

and know when to turn down any unreasonable offer,

in which this case would be the final sale.   

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
Some want to avoid customers all together
2008/02/08 03:37

如果能修到 "無我相,無人相,無眾生相,無壽者相",那就連自己臉色,也不看啦 !

