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MY first NVC for 2007 ! (2/11/07 12:22:55 pm)
2008/02/08 03:06:53瀏覽424|回應2|推薦1

2/11/07 12:22:55 pm
MY first NVC for 2007 !

Today(Feb.10, 2007), a weird #52 busdriver,#1790 called on→ me and asked me to hold it because he claimed that I was show-ing him more than just a fare

Literally, I was showing identi-fication that I already have a fare sticker indicating the fare has been paid for. What a jerk he is→a jackal bus driver.
Below is what actually being said between me and the driver:

He said, "Hey, hold on!" So, I stopped, and showed him my 學生卡 with the fare-sticker that I had in my wallet. 但是他卻繼續 elab-orate on it like, "What are you showing me 
there?" 我說,"幹麻!?" →feeling very irritated. He went on with →Miss, you are→→→→→ showing me so many things, I don't know where to look. →→→→Where is your ticket?←I was about to punch him. ==>>→→→Not because he was on my nerve but because I need to identify →→→→what it is that what I wanted.
Only that I didn't do what I wanted to do and didn't listen to my voice,because this is Not my country and I Need to get on and→→ stay on the bus 
so I can have ample time to study  and § get a § head start §. So, I let it pass this time!!
感覺: 暴躁

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2008/02/08 05:27
to hold it!= a halt

to hold on!= to wait for until I get back on the line(phone) with you.

to hold this for me for a second.(幫我拿這個一下)

hold it for me(幫我保留座位,替我保留這幾本書)

hold up = 阻礙 , 攔截 , 舉出

what does NVC means
2008/02/08 05:10

NVC stands for Nonviolent communication.

NVC 代表 沒有暴力的溝通。