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Wolfgun - Cold Trees
2013/02/13 00:57:51瀏覽504|回應0|推薦0

Looking back I find many holes along the path 看往過去我發現道路上很多坑坑疤疤
Where there once was only kindness 曾經再哪裡有仁慈
I saw you far away, with that same old knowing grin 我看到你在很遙遠的地方,還老套的會心一笑
That would melt the fears I had about our love 我所擁有我們的愛,這會溶化恐懼
You and I, we ran, yeah we hoped we'd never lose this thought 你和我,我們跑,是的,我們希望從來沒有失去這個想法
We'd keep it close next to our hearts 我們希望保持接近我們的心
Favoring our wants, we dispelled what darkness wrought 我們偏好的要求,我們打消什麼造成的黑暗
The reality of where we are, and where we've been 現實中我們一直在哪裡,
Cold, dead trees 冷冰冰的枯樹
Brings me to my beaten knees帶給我的膝蓋打擊 
Brings me to my knees! 帶給我的膝蓋! 
Watching out for us, every day the sun would rise 關注著我們,每一天的太陽將上升
Flooding light into our eyes 光線流進了我們的雙眼
In between the forest leaves, all the rays would give us hope 在林葉之間,所有的光線都可以給我們希望
Give us something now to live for! 現在給予我們某些東西去生活
And I knew that where we went, there was no turning back 我知道我們將去的地方,那裡沒有回頭路
A permanent reflection on our souls 永久的反思我們的靈魂
Gathering our thoughts, what we never really knew could be so true 收集我們的想法,我們從來沒有真正知道有什麼是如此的真實
What has this world done to me and you? 我和你在'這個世界做了什麼?
Cold, dead trees 冷冰冰的枯樹
Brings me to my beaten knees帶給我的膝蓋打擊 
Brings me to my knees! 帶給我的膝蓋! 
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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