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2012/07/29 23:14:32瀏覽273|回應0|推薦0 | |
來源引用自 http://jayrcelasecondlifetechnologist.blogspot.tw/2012/07/virus-alert-more-viral-than-virus.html
首先我先介紹幾個名詞 REZ:把物件從庫存(inventory)拿出來放在任何地方 griefer:騙子或是擾亂者故意激怒和騷擾其他玩家。 Virus alert, more viral than virus病毒警報,超過病毒的病毒 So the latest viral alert is about something called 2012 Package ExDepart Gift, or something like that (there are variants). The warning goes generally like this: An object called** 2012 Package ExDepart Gift** is being sent to all people. Please do not accept it, is a virus, and they can steal account with it. Be careful with what you accept ! 所以最新的病毒警報,是關於一些叫做2012 Package ExDepart Gift或某些類似的東西(有變種)。警告一般是這樣的:一個物件叫** 2012 Package ExDepart Gift**這會被發送到所有的人。請不要接受它,這是一種病毒,你要小心當你接受時這會竊取帳戶! First, you should be aware that objects cannot steal accounts. At least not without your permission. If you rez something that wants to steal your account, first it has to ask for your password. Only with your password can it even access your account. 首先,你應該知道的是物件不能竊取帳戶。至少在沒有您的同意下。如果您REZ這東西,想偷您的帳戶,首先會詢問您的密碼。只要有您的密碼,才可以訪問您的帳戶。 Second, it cannot take any money from you without first asking, and LL puts up a big warning about it on your viewer, on which you must consciously choose to accept. 其次,它不會拿取任何錢從你而不先問,且LL提出了一個關於它的大警告,關於於您的瀏覽器上,你意識到選擇接受。 In reality, this object is a spoofing griefer. It knows who you are because you are the owner. It will then rez more items with you as the owner, and it will pass itself to others, thus propagating itself. 在現實中,這個物件是欺騙griefer。它知道你是誰,因為你是擁有者。它會再REZ更多物件,作為所有者,並且,它會傳遞給別人,從而傳播自己。 In a note from Rockcliffe University: "If you receive an item called "..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012" from ANYONE, even close friends, DO NOT REZ IT! This is a spoofing griefer item, it will take your UUID, and use it to rez items with your name as the owner to pass out more items. If you receive this item, make an abuse report with Governor Linden as the abuser, list any information you can think of to help, and remember the person that set it to you probably didn't do it. Then DELETE this item immediately! DO NOT REZ IT!" Don't let Chicken Little convince you that the sky is falling, because it isn't. But heed well the generally-applicable warnings: Do not accept inventory items from people you don't know. Do not accept inventory items from friends without first talking to that friend. “如果你收到項目叫做"..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012"任何人,甚至是親密的朋友,不要REZ資訊!這是一個的欺騙griefer項目,將採取你的UUID,並用你的名字REZ項目作為所有者傳遞出更多的項目。如果您收到這個項目,與林登官方報告,列出任何你想的到的資訊,你能想到的去求助,記住陷害你可能還沒有做到這一點的人,然後立即刪除該項目!不要REZ這個 !“ 不要讓小膽小鬼說服你,天塌下來,因為他不會。但注意普遍適用的警告: 你不要接收不知名的人的庫存物品。 你不要接收朋友的朋友不接受的庫存物品。 Do not send inventory items to your friends withouht first letting them know. 不要發送給你的朋友庫存物品,首先讓他們知道。 Do not rez or wear anything that you did happen to accept by mistake. It's safer just to delete it.不要REZ或穿什麼,當你沒發生錯誤接受。只要把它刪除是安全的。 If you receive some paranoid message from someone, and part of the message tells you to forward it to everyone you know, DON'T. Challenge it instead. Ask the sender where they got it, and how they verified it to be true. Better safe than sorry is not the right answer here. Tell all your friends :) 如果您從某人收到一些偏執消息,和一部分的消息告訴你轉發給你認識的人,不要這樣做。也不要挑戰它。問他們從哪個發送者得到它的,以及他們如何驗證它是真實的。更好的安全比遺憾的不正確的答案來的好。 告訴你所有的朋友:) 一個案例: i take this object and rezz it on the ground,,its send me over 1000 objects,,i dont accept one from them,i delete this object,,and make a relog,,,my account was safe,,,i can only say,look out wath you accept,,take care 我把這物件rezz在地面上,其發送超過1000個物件,我,我不接受他們,我刪除這個物件,並作出重新登出,我的帳戶是安全的,我只能說,看出來他們多想要您接受...保重... 疑似散發病毒者的留言: Hello, this is the creator of the ..::ExDepart::.. First off, I'd like to apologize this was never ment to be a global attack. It was purely an experiment I was doing and has spread way too far. I created this object July 1st. Secondly, I would like to debunk the fact that it can not, and will not steal your account. It does not take any account information. Never the less, still a pain in the ass. Simple thing is to either not accept it, or don't rez it if you do accept it. 你好,這裡是..:: ExDepart的創造者::.. 首先,我想道歉,這是從來沒有到成為一個全球性的攻擊。這純粹是我做的實驗,並已蔓延太遠。 於7月1日我創建這個物件。 其次,我想揭穿的事實,它不能,不會竊取您的帳戶。它並不需要任何帳戶信息。 從來沒有少,仍然是可以帶來痛苦。簡單的事情,是可以不接受它,或如果你接受它不REZ它。 另一個網誌PS: 來自 http://traderfitch.blogspot.tw/2012/07/omg-griefers-ruuuunnn.html 如果有人把它發送給你,點擊“放棄”。如果你接受它,立即從您的清單中刪除。就是這樣。 無需恐慌,傳播謠言,閒話或跟國土安全部通話。認真對待。放輕鬆。 我隨機偶然發現另一個博客與一些合理的建議後,檢查出 Auryn Beorn's的博客更多。她做了一個很好的重點,如果它是一個病毒,它是如何跑到您的計算機上?!唯一在SL裡允許您下載的是圖像文件。沒有可執行程序或物件可以下載! 停止散佈恐懼和流言。奧賽馬·賓·拉丹沒有從死裡復活,創建一個SL帳戶,發誓復仇我們(無論如何“我們”)。這些都是怪才,他們是很聰明的,利用新聞媒體的使用做他們想要的東西,你做你嚇唬了同樣的恐懼戰術。暫時停止羊群!告知自己,研究之前的指控,它像野火一樣蔓延! |
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