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Foxes - Home
2012/06/12 23:38:55瀏覽249|回應0|推薦1

What's left hanging最後什麼都不了了之
In the air在空氣中
In the air在空氣中

Break the cycle打破這個循環
Round and round一圈又一圈
Round and round we go我們走了一圈又一圈

You play hide and seek你在玩捉迷藏
Now I see現在我明白了
Now I see the light現在,我看到了光明

Eyes spill over眼睛溢出水
Start to swim開始游泳
Start to swim away開始遊離

These strange faces這些陌生面孔
It was only yesterday we spoke on the phone這是只有昨天,我們在手機上的發言
A distant memory from all those years ago所有從這些多年前遙遠的記憶
But now I'm looking at these strange faces但現在我看著這些陌生的面孔
And I'm not coming home我不回家

I've never heard you speak like this我從來沒有聽過你像這樣說話
On the phone在電話裡
(On the phone)(在電話中)

You carry the weight and I take the guilt您承載的重量和我的內疚
Brings me down 使我跌倒
Brings me down to this讓我在此

These strange faces這些陌生面孔
It was only yesterday we spoke on the phone這是只有昨天,我們在手機上的發言
A distant memory from all those years ago所有從這些多年前遙遠的記憶
But now I'm looking at these strange faces但現在我看著這些陌生的面孔
And I'm not coming home我不回家

(And I'm not coming home)(我不回家)
(And I'm not coming home)(我不回家)
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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