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Foxes - Youth
2012/06/12 23:01:58瀏覽1159|回應0|推薦1


They didn’t want me when I was running wild當在我野外奔跑,他們不想要我
The dragons breathing fire in the backyard at night晚上後院的龍在吐息火焰
We live in circles and it’s so hard to breathe我們住在同個圈子,是如此難以呼吸
Maybe the same old fears, what have we here, don’t bring me down…with you

Now I’m just chasing time with a thousand dreams I’m holding heavy現在,我只是在堅持著追逐那沉重的一千年夢想
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed正如我們越界了,都被切斷了這些衰落節拍
Don’t tell me our youth is running out, it’s only just begun不要告訴我,我們的青春耗盡了,這只是才剛開始

If I asked you for good news would you smile and turn away如果我問候你的好消息,你會微笑,轉身離去
It’s like a bad dream that is to afraid to wake這就像是害怕從不好的夢醒來
There are many among us and we’re changing all the time我們之間有很多,我們隨時都在變化
Maybe the same old fears, what have we here, don’t bring me down..with you

Now I’m just chasing time with a thousand dreams I’m holding heavy
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed
Don’t tell me our youth is running out, it’s only just begun

These fading beats這些衰落的節拍
These fading beats這些衰落的節拍

Now I’m just chasing time with a thousand dreams I’m holding heavy現在,我只是在我堅持著沉重的追逐那一千年夢想
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed正如我們越界了,這些界線都被切斷了衰落節拍
Don’t tell me our youth is running out, it’s only just begun不要告訴我,我們的青春耗盡了,這只是才剛開始

These fading beats這些衰落節拍
A thousand dreams一千年的夢想
These fading beats這些衰落節拍
A thousand dreams一千年的夢想
It’s only just begun這只是才剛剛開始
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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