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Ken Ashcorp - Touch Fluffy Tail
2012/05/21 23:14:23瀏覽533|回應0|推薦0

Pick up my sword it's time to do business 拿起我的劍,是時候去做我的事
Strap on my cloak I'm 'bout to roll with this 甩動我斗篷上的繩
When you're this swag this world just bows at your knees 當你這個搖晃這個世界只是在你的膝蓋蝴蝶結

Call me the chef cause I'll make your blood boil 叫我大廚因為,我會讓你熱血沸騰
(Hora Hora) Gimme some of dat coil (霍拉霍拉)給我一些DAT線圈
Snake oil 'cause you know I aim to please 蛇油“,因為你知道我的目標請

Tickle my fancy, tickle my prostate 我的想像發癢,我的前列腺發癢
Don't get me off cause I'll just get irate 不要讓我中斷因為我會變得抓狂
Put in my place but I'll break out once again 放進我的地方,不過我會再次爆發

All these encounters may just leave me scarred 所有這些接觸可能只是讓我傷痕累累
And when I'm rock hard, I fucking rock hard 而當我堅硬的岩石,我他媽的堅硬的岩石
Like Alice, we're down the rabbit hole my friend 像愛麗絲一樣,我們的兔子洞,我的朋友

I don't give a damn, not an iota 我不放棄該死的,絲毫不
Motherfucker, I'm the Straightest Shota 混蛋,我是直率的翔太

I'm on a quest of which I know that I can never fail 我是正在完成任務我知道我不能失敗
I will prevail 我將獲勝
Even though there may be many foes stalking my trail 即使有許多敵人,跟踪我的足跡
I'm in love 我戀愛了
Weak at the knees and yeah I'm growing pale 軟弱膝蓋和耶我日漸蒼白
Only one thing left to do 剩下要做的只有一件事
Touch Fluffy Tail 觸摸蓬鬆的尾巴

Lately I know I'm going so crazy 最近,我知道我會如此瘋狂
Never thought goodness would be so hazy 善良從來沒有想過會如此朦朧
Once you wrap me up yeah you know I'm caught 一旦你換了我呀你知道我抓住

But sorry, baby, I just can't get with this 但是,對不起,寶貝,我只是不能得到這個
Gotta get out and get back to business 要去出去,回到業務
Tofu or Tail? Oh, it's food for thought 豆腐或尾巴?哦,這是耐人尋味

I don't give a damn, not an iota 我不放棄該死的,絲毫不
Motherfucker, I'm the Straightest Shota 混蛋,我是直率的翔太

I'm on a quest of which I know that I can never fail 我是正在完成任務我知道我不能失敗
I will prevail 我將獲勝
Even though there may be many foes stalking my trail 即使有許多敵人,跟踪我的足跡
I'm in love 我戀愛了
Weak at the knees and yeah I'm growing pale 軟弱膝蓋和耶我日漸蒼白
Only one thing left to do 剩下要做的只有一件事
Touch Fluffy Tail 觸摸蓬鬆的尾巴

We'll see the light of day again my dear 我們會看到光明的一天,我親愛的再次
Let's go on an adventure 讓我們去探險
The heavens frown upon us on this day 諸天皺眉後,我們在這一天
But I've still got my quota 但我還有我的配額
Motherfucker, I'm the straightest shota 混蛋,我是直率翔太

I'm on a quest of which I know that I can never fail 我是正在完成任務我知道我不能失敗
I will prevail 我將獲勝
Even though there may be many foes stalking my trail 即使有許多敵人,跟踪我的足跡
I'm in love 我戀愛了
Weak at the knees and yeah I'm growing pale軟弱膝蓋和耶我日漸蒼白
Only one thing left to do 剩下要做的只有一件事
Touch Fluffy Tail 觸摸蓬鬆的尾巴
I'm in love 我戀愛了
Weak at the knees and yeah I'm growing pale 軟弱膝蓋和耶我日漸蒼白
Only one thing left to do 剩下要做的只有一件事
Touch Fluffy Tail觸摸蓬鬆的尾巴
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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