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Helloween - Power
2011/10/20 10:58:42瀏覽451|回應0|推薦0

Lyrics:Weikath Music:Weikath

Can you imagine someone being true你能想像有人成真理
Turn `round and put himself in front of you轉過`一輪,並把自己放在你面前
Sometimes it's fun but then you never know有時很有趣,但然後你永遠不知道
How far a thing like this might go像這樣的事情會多遙遠

All my life I've waited for a chance我的全部生活為機會等待
To get right out of here得正確的離開這裡
And when I had it in my hands而且,當我有這在我手中
I could not let it go我不能讓他走

We've got the power, we are divine我們已經得到的權力,我們是神聖的
We have the guts to follow the sign我們有膽量跟隨跡象
Extracting tension from sources unknown提取來源未知的緊張局勢
We are the ones to cover the throne覆蓋我們的王位

Try if you can to come where we have gone嘗試,如果你能來我們走過的地方
You may achieve what can't be simply done您可能會達到不能簡單地做
Look back and there you are where we have been回過頭來看看,你一直是我們
And still there's so much in-between並且在兩者之間仍然有如此多的

All those years I've traveled `round this world所有這些年我走過的環遊世界
Now I am standing here現在我站在這裡
To make you sing these tunes為了讓你唱這些曲調
And know they'll never let you go並知道他們永遠不會讓你走

We've got the power, we are divine我們已經得到的權力,我們是神聖的
We have the guts to follow the sign我們有膽量跟隨跡象
Extracting tension from sources unknown提取來源未知的緊張局勢
We are the ones to cover the throne覆蓋我們的王位

We've got the power, we are divine我們已經得到的權力,我們是神聖的
We have the guts to follow the sign我們有膽量跟隨跡象
Extracting tension from sources unknown提取來源未知的緊張局勢
We are the ones to cover the throne覆蓋我們的王位

We've got the power, we are divine我們已經得到的權力,我們是神聖的
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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