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I Want Out
2011/09/28 16:59:38瀏覽160|回應0|推薦1

I Want Out我想要出來

(Music + lyrics: K. Hansen)
From our lives' beginning on我們活著開始
We are pushed in little forms我們被一點形式壓迫
No one asks us how we like to be沒有人我們我們如何
In school they teach you what to think在學校他們教你怎麼想
But everyone says different things但每個人不同的事情
But they're all convinced that但是他們都相信,
They're the ones to see他們看到
Bridge: So they keep talking and they never stop橋段所以他們繼續談論,他們從來沒有停止
And at a certain point you give it up在某一點上放棄
So the only thing that's left to think is this因此,這是唯一剩下的想法
Chorus: I want out--to live my life alone合唱:我想出來 獨自生活我的生活
I want out--leave me be想出來 - 離開我
I want out--to do things on my own想出來 - 去我自己的東西
I want out--to live my life and to be free想出來 - 去活出我的生命,是自由的
People tell me A and B 人們告訴A和B
They tell me how I have to see他們告訴我我怎麼看到
Things that I have seen already clear我所看到的已經很清楚東西
So they push me then from side to side因此,他們推我,然後一側到另一側
They're pushing me from black to white他們從黑到白
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear他們正在推動直到沒有聽到東西
Bridge: But don't push me to the maximum橋段不要壓迫我到最大極限
Shut your mouth and take it home閉上你的把它帶回家
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be合唱:因為決定的事情要去方式
Chorus: I want out--to live my life alone合唱:想出來 獨自生活我的生活
I want out--leave me be想出來 - 離開我
I want out--to do things on my own想出來 - 去我自己的東西
I want out--to live my life and to be free想出來 - 去活出我的生命,是自由的
There's a million ways to see the things in life一百萬的方式生活中的事情
A million ways to be the fool一百萬的方式愚弄
In the end of it, none of us is right在它的結束我們都不是正確的
Sometimes we need to be alone有時我們需要獨處
(Solo: Kai/Both)
No no no, leave me alone不,不,讓我獨自一人
Chorus: I want out--to live my life alone合唱:我想出來的 - 獨自活出我的生活
I want out--leave me be想出來的 - 離開我
I want out--to do things on my own想出來 - 去我自己的東西
I want out--to live my life and to be free想出來 - 去活出我的生命,是自由的
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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