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2010/10/25 16:36:55瀏覽280|回應0|推薦5
Wolfmother -Woman 女人

Woman, 女人
You know you,你知道你 
Woman, 女人
You gotta be, 你得是
Woman, 女人
I've got to feeling alone,我得倍感孤獨, 
When you're talking to me, see right through me, 當你跟我說話,看穿了我,
I've got to feeling alone 我得感覺孤單

She's a woman, you know what i mean, 她是個女人,你知道我的意思,
You better listen, listen to me 你最好聽,聽我說
She's gonna set you free oh oh yeah.... 她要你自由哦,哦耶....

You've come looking for me, like i've got to set you free 你來找我,就像我要你重獲自由
You know i can't free nobody, 你知道我不能自由的人,
You've come looking for me, like i've got to set you free, 你來找我,就像我要你重獲自由
I can't be nobody. 我不能成為任何人。

She's a woman you know what i mean, 她是個女人,你知道我的意思,
You better listen,listen to me, 你最好聽,聽我說,
She's gonna set you free oh oh yeah 她要你自由哦,哦耶

Woman, 女人
You know you, 你知道你
Woman,  女人
You gotta be, 你得是,
Woman,  女人
I've got to feeling alone, 我得倍感孤獨, 
When you're talking to me, you see right through me, 當你跟我說話,看穿了我,
I've got to feeling alone 我得倍感孤獨, 

She's a woman, you know what i mean, 她是個女人,你知道我的意思,
You better listen, listen to me 你最好聽,聽我說,
She's gonna set you free oh oh yeah.... 她要你自由哦,哦耶....
[ Woman Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ] 

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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