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2010/08/24 10:47:40瀏覽232|回應0|推薦0








"Game On"遊戲吧
Boot up, embrace the feeling開機,擁抱著的感覺 
The start button is the portal to your being啟動按鈕是你的存在的門戶 
Turn on, it's a pleasure device打開,這是一個快樂的設備 
Game with me, the ultimate spice遊戲與我,最終香料

I promise you it won't ever be dull我答應你,永遠不會覺得沉悶 
In a world you're all powerful你在這個世界上比所有強大 
I'll buff you, don't be afraid我會緩衝你,不要害怕 
It's Tuesday night, Let's do this raid!這星期二晚上,讓我們這樣突襲! 

Game On! Is it immature?遊戲!這是不成熟? 
Game On! I'm insecure遊戲!我沒有安全感 
Game On! Don't g-quit on me!遊戲!不要退,退出於我! 
Game On! We got keyboard chemistry遊戲!我們得到了鍵盤化學反應


I feel so much shame我覺得這麼多的恥辱
I get dissed for saying that I game我得到汙辱的說,我的遊戲 
No one understands沒有人理解 
Why I'm living in a fantasy land為什麼我生活在一個幻想的土地 

In-game you've got cool hair 在遊戲中你必須有很酷的頭髮 
Go from slumdog to a millionaire從貧民窟的百萬富翁到一個百萬富翁 
Level up, Feel the bliss升級,感受幸福 
Forward slash, Almost kiss斜線,幾乎親吻 

Game On! Invite sent!遊戲!邀請已發送!
Game On! Hop on Vent!遊戲!在宣洩!
Game On! Say it proud!遊戲!說驕傲! 
Game On! Screw the crowd!遊戲!鎖人群!
Game On! No one else to please!遊戲!沒有一個人來請問! 
Game On! I'll press your hot keys!遊戲!我會按你的熱鍵!
Game On! There's no disgrace.遊戲!沒有什麼恥辱。 
Go to hell real life I'll punch you in the face!前往地獄真實生活中,我就揍你的臉!


Game on! (x8)遊戲吧!的(x8)
Game On! Steal my breath!遊戲!偷走了我的呼吸!
Game On! No perma-death!遊戲!沒有燙髮! 
Game On! Don't resist!遊戲!不要抗拒! 
Game On! Give that bulb a twist遊戲!把那燈泡一開
Internet sabhi desh ko jodataa hai (The internet connects all nations)(互聯網連接的所有國家) 
Frustration nikalanekaa raastaa hai (Provides a outlet for all frustrations)(提供了一個挫折所有出路的) 
ONLINE GAMING may kuchh buraa nahi Hai (Nothing wrong with online gaming)(沒有錯,在線遊戲)
Us Vichhar CONTROL-ALT-DELETE" (Control-Alt-Delete that feeling)Control-Alt-Delete這樣的感覺) 

I'll admit, when we party it sizzles 我得承認,當我們是集體嘶嘶作響
Won't let the spell fizzle不會讓拼寫斃命 
Grab the reigns, don't re-roll霸占統治,不要再滾 
Point and click, take control!點擊鼠標,採取控制! 

Game On! No disrespect!遊戲!沒有不敬! 
Game On! We're not rejects!遊戲!我們不反對! 
Game On! No remorse!遊戲!沒有後悔! 
This is a feeling you can't outsource!這是一種感覺,你不能外包!
Game On! Invite sent!遊戲!邀請已發送!
Game On! I'm on Vent!遊戲!我在宣洩! 
Game On! Never g-quit on me!遊戲!切勿退,退出於我! 
Game On! We've got keyboard chemistry.遊戲!我們有鍵盤化學反應。 
Game On! Game On! Game On! Game Onnnnnnnnn....遊戲!遊戲!遊戲!遊戲 Onnnnnnnnn .... 




”是贊助商良好騎士製作,同樣的公司,給你帶來的熱門歌曲和視頻“你想我的頭像日期”的弗雷西亞日和傑德溫登。傑德溫登執導的“你想我的頭像日”音樂視頻已經被瀏覽超過 11萬次的點票!
"Game On" is brought to you by Knights of Good Productions, the same company that brought you the hit song & video "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar" by Felicia Day and Jed Whedon. Jed Whedon directed the "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar" music video that has been viewed over 11 million times and counting!
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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