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Sirenia - One By One 一個接著一個
2010/06/04 10:20:41瀏覽350|回應0|推薦0


There's a river that runs along 有一河流奔馳過去
Your fading hope and darkened days to come希望您的衰落和黑暗日子裡
The lights are fading out once more 燈光再次是淡出
I see you falter so lost and blind 我看你,在迷惘和盲目動搖
I know a shadow still lingers in in your mind 我知道陰影仍然徘徊在你的心中
But i can`t lead you on, not this time 不過,我不可以導引你,不是這一次

I`ve been dreaming for far too long 我一直在做夢的時間太長了
And my dreams all break one by one 而我的夢想逐一打破
I'm still standing, still facing the fall 我仍然可以支持著,仍然面臨著沉淪
Will i give in the distant calls 我會在遙遠的要求給予

I`ve been watching your crumbling walls 我一直在看你倒塌的牆
I`ve endured a thousand tears or more 我再次經歷了千萬次以上

In a frozen moment of time, i see you fall 在冰凍的時刻及時間,我看你沉淪

Only memories remain of you now 只有回憶現在仍在提醒你
You' ve given in to darkness and to doubt 你'將 給予在黑暗中和去懷疑

You couldn`t find the strenght to cast 你找不到的力量
The demons out投出的惡魔

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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