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Evergrey - Broken Wings折翼
2010/02/15 15:19:23瀏覽400|回應0|推薦4
Broken Wings折翼

From loss into your embrace從虧損到你的懷抱
I fled the fear and the dark of day我逃離了恐懼和黑暗的一天
Like an angel of fallen grace像一個天使墮落的恩典
My broken wings can't hold my weight我破碎的翅膀不能承載我的體重
I came so close that I felt the flames我是如此接近,我覺得火焰
I came so close that I'll never be safe again我是如此接近,我永遠不會再是安全的
I'd give anything to find a way to leave the fear and evacuate我會給任何設法離開恐懼和疏散

Come reach inside my inner fear來達到在我的內心恐懼
Come feel my sorrow and my tears來吧,我感到悲傷,我的眼淚
My broken wings can't hold my weight我破碎的翅膀不能承載我的體重
Through the dark of day通過黑暗的一天

Leave that guilt-stained cross behind離開該內疚染色後交叉
Free your arms do it one by one你的雙臂免費一個接著一個
It's not your fault you are not to blame這不是你的錯你不能責怪
Your wing-clipped past should not bring you shame您的翼截斷過去應該不會給您帶來的恥辱
And the years that you still endured而這些年來,你仍然忍受
Should work as strength to see past it all如果工作的力量,看到過去這一切

Come reach inside my inner fear來達到在我的內心恐懼
Come feel my sorrow and my tears來吧,我感到悲傷,我的眼淚
My broken wings can't hold my weight我破碎的翅膀不能承載我的體重
Through the dark of day通過黑暗的一天
All hope's been burnt to ashes所有的希望被化為灰燼
And I'm so tired of hiding the bruises且我太累了隱瞞瘀傷
My broken wings can't take me我破碎的翅膀不能帶我
Through the dark of day通過黑暗的一天

Deep cuts will not help you heal深度削減不會幫助你癒合
The pain inflicted's just false relief造成的痛苦,只是虛假的救濟
Precious moments where you can dream珍貴的瞬間,在這裡您可以夢想
Of a day when you too can feel希望有一天你也可以感受到

Come reach inside my inner fear來達到在我的內心恐懼
Come feel my sorrow and my tears來吧,我感到悲傷,我的眼淚
My broken wings can't hold my weight我破碎的翅膀不能承載我的體重
Through the dark of day 通過黑暗的一天


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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