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David Usher - Ugly is Beautiful美麗的醜陋
2009/12/04 12:40:33瀏覽318|回應0|推薦0

Day by day we fall apart日復一日,我們崩潰
Disintegrate the lightning rains across the sky But comes too late瓦解的閃電劃過天空下雨,但來得太遲
To change the mood and save us now現在要更改的情緒和拯救我們
It's criminal the way we love這是犯罪的方式,我們的愛
The way we hate it's almost human我們痛恨的方式幾乎是人類
Eyes are opened wide雙眼張開

Stood on the rooftop scream at the sky again
Dance to the radio end of the world we know舞蹈電台結束的世界,我們知道
Ugly is beautiful beauty in stereo醜陋是美麗的在美麗立體聲
Thinking of you思考著你
Just like the earth spins high as a kite again就像地球再次自旋高放風箏
There with the river flow end of the life i've known與河流結束時的世界那裏,我們已經認識
Ugly is beautiful beauty so terrible醜陋是美麗的如此可怕
Thinking of you思考著你

All the words we throw away所有的話,我們扔掉
Like paper cuts they just keep piling像剪紙,他們都不斷打樁
Higher and higher throughout the day整日越來越高
Illogical the script we're writing不合邏輯的,我們正在寫劇本
It's chemical the way we love它的化學的方式,我們的愛
The way we hate it's quite inhuman我們痛恨的方式是非常不人道
Eyes are opened wide雙眼張開

Stood on the rooftop scream at the sky again站在天台再次對天空尖叫
Dance to the radio end of the world we know
Ugly is beautiful beauty in stereo醜陋是美麗的在美麗立體聲
Thinking of you思考著你
Just like the earth spins high as a kite again
There with the river flow end of the world we've known與河流結束時的世界那裏,我們已經認識
Ugly is beautiful beauty so terrible醜陋是美麗的如此可怕
Thinking of you思考著你

the lyrics is form http://www.kovideo.net/

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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